Exact Change is a long standing guild on the Kilrogg/Winterhoof server group looking for a couple of new friends for an AotC/M+ based guild. EC has been around for nearly a decade on Kilrogg and has a long standing reputation for being a solid Heroic AotC guild that works with all people that join to help them progress in our environment.
We’re currently looking for a healer to round out our composition(Paladin preferred, all accepted - current have a Resto Shaman, Resto Druid, and Holy Priest).
We raid Wednesday and Thursday, 7 PM to 9:30 PM Pacific and are an adult oriented guild that focuses on fun while clearing content. If you need help, we’re here to give it as long as you’re willing to learn!
Feel free to reach out to Galk#11338 on Battle.net or Galk.#9129 on Discord for information or if you’re interested in hopping aboard!