Keeping it short and sweet.
Former hardcore raider looking for some boys to slap with. used to the 7 days a week raid schedule so can push those long days. Can raid any day and any time.
Can play multiple classes but prefer playing DPS DK
classes i can play are WW, Rogue, Warlock, Warrior, Hunter all at a high level.
If you want old logs or kills i’ve been apart of can discuss that once we get to talking. Can get some people too vouch for me if needed.
Leave info or add me Duckey#1422 (bnet)
Hi there! I’ll post a little snippet of our guild, and if we’re not the choice for you, I hope you find a guild that suits you well 
<Øminous Latin Name> is a casual progression raid focused guild, that transferred from Horde to Ally on Sargeras, along with M+ and some PvP! Fun environment, and of course drama free. We’re a Discord active community and actively looking to build our core raiding team, as we are preparing for Shadowlands.
Schedule [all times are EST]
Raid: Friday/Saturday 7pm-10pm [12/12 H] [3/12 M]
Mythic Plus: Everyday
Interested in joining us? Contact Lebron on Bnet: [RoscoeStache#1797] or Caleb [thesleeper#11618] to learn more.
Thank you!
ce guikd raiding fri-sat 6-10 pst add me on discord so we can talk
Romance / Aniki#5949
We are Shade a Horde mythic raiding guild on Hyjal server. We are looking to round out our roster moving forward into Shadowlands. Below is our current recruitment needs, more info about who we are as well as contact information. We look forward to chatting with you.
Current Recruitment Needs
-Demon Hunter(High Priority)-experience and logs required
-Death Knight-Low
-Dps Warrior-Medium
-Elemental Shaman-Low
-Shadow Priest-Medium
**If you don’t see your class/spec listed here, do not let that discourage you from applying. We are always looking for great players of any class.
Raid Days/Times
We raid Tuesday and Wednesday 7pm-10pm PST(10pm-1am EST)
Optional raid night for heroic mode Fridays 7pm-10pm PST
Guild Information
11/12 Mythic Ny’alotha experience
We are a newly formed guild founded on everyone having the same goal, obtain Cutting Edge as quickly as possible. Most of our team finished Ny’alotha with 11/12 mythic.
Our guild will be focused on achieving Cutting Edge in all raid tiers. Our players are expected to do all research and come prepared to down bosses. Players are expected to go above and beyond in getting themselves geared for the content. Our guildies run multiple sets of keys a week together. We keep a fun and non toxic environment, but expect everyone to focus up when the time comes.
Raiding Expectations
Players are expected to attend all raids per week and message an officer or post in discord if they will miss a raid. We understand that real life issues happen and we are happy to accommodate you, as long as notice is given.All applicants should be near or at their ideal setup to directly contribute to our current content.Raiders should be able to take constructive criticism.We provide funds for repairs as well as flasks and consumables for progression content. Along with free enchants/gems for main spec gear.We do not recruit for the bench, however we will make the most optimal group based on who is online for the raid.
Contacts for more info or to inquire on trialing
Hexbox(tehfluffyone#1150)–Guild Recruiter
Discord: Devana#8731
Galorina(Galorina#1877)–Guild Master
heya, we’re looking for 1 solid dps to add to our roster. DK is up there on the list but very interested in warrior as well.
Smooth Brain
We are a guild on Bleeding Hollow Horde looking for dps and a healer or two. The guild is comprised of a group of returning US Top 100 players who stopped raiding in BfA because…well ya know and are making a return for Shadowlands. Since forming at the beginning of June we have been focused on building a roster of experienced raiders who fit in the relaxed environment we’re aiming for. With many of us having experience in higher end raiding the target for the guild is to progress in the US 100-200 range. As a result, we are taking our time with recruitment in order to meet these goals.
Though primarily a WoW raiding guild, most of the gang will do high keys or play other games with each other (League, FFIV, Warzone, etc.). While we are more than welcoming to those who simply wish to raid the full Smooth Brain experience in much more.
Current recruitment needs:
Melee DPS – Warrior, DK
Ranged DPS – Mage, Moonkin, Elemental Shaman
Healer - Holy Paladin, Disc Priest, Druid
With a new expansion just around the corner we are flexible to what people are looking to play and are open to changes for Shadowlands
Raid Times:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday – 8:30-11:30 EST
Currently raiding casually on Tuesdays and Thursdays for heroic and first few mythic
To Apply:
http:// /
If you have any questions or would like additional info please feel free to reach out to either
James (GM): James#1657 (Btag) ZunnyD#9491 (Discord)
Luke (Raid Lead): BHO#11601 (Btag) Luke#5204 (Discord)
Hey Sinkz,
We’re looking for a DPS to slap with to, and a DK is one of our preferred options! I’ll drop the copy pasta below, feel free to reach out if interested.
Its Mine I Licked It (US-Stormrage - Alliance) is recruiting for semi-hardcore raiding in Shadowlands!
Its Mine I Licked It was founded prior to the launch of Shadowlands by a group of friends with significant hardcore raiding experience. All of the founding members have played WoW since The Burning Crusade or earlier, and have raided since Wrath of the Lich King or before. More to the point, each of the founding members have at minimum US Top 50 experience, and we have all held leadership positions in competitive raiding guilds.
However, life goes on and people get older, and we all stopped raiding or even playing the game all together in either Legion or Battle for Azeroth for individual reasons. However, we also love this game and have come back over the last few months (or for some of us, never left at all). For all of us, raiding is an integral part of this game, and that’s what we plan to do. Still, we don’t want to break our backs pushing the true bleeding edge of end game content like we all did for so many years.
In Shadowlands, we will clear all Mythic Raid content as well as provide an environment conducive for Mythic + dungeon runs. However, we are all at the point in our lives where pushing late hours or extra nights to clear a Mythic Raid is not what we are looking for. Instead, we want to focus on a less grindy experience while still pushing ourselves and playing efficiently.
The raid schedule is TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS from 8 EST – 11 US Eastern time. We will only be raiding 6 hours a week, so we will be pulling at 8. In other words, the ability to be on by 7:45 or so is important/necessary.
Our primary needs are as follows:
Death Knight or Retribution Paladin
However, we will always consider exceptional players who are the right fit – we have several members who are flexible in their roles. If we can accommodate you, we will!
If you are interested in raiding with us, please add Abberation (Moophisto#11601), Lyssan (Lyssan#1884), or Fuzzii (Fuzzii#1197) on Bnet to set up an interview time.
As a new serious guild you can find a good core spot here
We are recruiting all roles and classes for Shadowlands
Our Current High Needs Are
Tanks - Any Class
Healers - Priest, Shaman, Monk
DPS - Mage, Warlock, Demon Hunter
All required needs listed here :
Who We Are
We are old friends of the game who have majorily raided in US 50th or higher guilds with the core leaders going as high as Top 10 US. We are looking to form a community of competitive players that are able to clear current content along with being a close knit group who enjoy playing games outside of WoW after progression.
We are looking for players with strong raiding backgrounds along with the drive to be the best players on the server. We need you to be on your A-game so that we can achieve CE on our 2 night a week schedule.
We do not recruit bench players
We do not do any splits and therefore do not require any alts
We raid 2 nights a week. Sunday 9pm - 12am, Monday 8pm - 12am EST
If you are interested in a competitive raid environment but also a place to call home please fill out the application linked below.
If you have any questions, please contact us vis Discord AFTER filling out the application.
Big#4365 (Lead Recruiter)
Mancheese#5991 (GM)
Updates 11/12/2020
We would be interest in speaking with you.
Seraphic is a Horde guild on the Realm Area 52, our focus is mythic progression and mythic +. The guild is being formed from a group of friends, several with multiple CE achievements and the rest with high level mythic progression. We’re wanting a chill yet serious environment where players can enjoy the time they have to play the game, but still progress at a fair or quicker pace through the high end PvE content. We raid 8pm to 11pm EST Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
Current Needs:
Tanks - Open to Exceptional Applicants
Healers - Open to Exceptional Applicants
Melee DPS- Feral Druid, Ret Paladin
Ranged DPS - Boomkin Druid
If you believe you are exceptional at your class and can outperform one of our raiders apply today, we will give you the opportunity to show it.
Below is a list of our general goals and ambitions
- Be fairly geared throughout the expansion.
- Clear Heroic within first or second week of tier release.
- Complete +15 M+ keys once a week minimum.
- To build a community of players that are online around the clock.
- Preferably a friendly environment.
- By the end of Shadowlands, we want to be CE in more than one raid tier.
If interested, reply to this post with battletag or Discord information.
Feel free to add one of our officers on Discord for a faster response:
Froggy - Guild Master - Discord vmsfroggy#4819 - Bnet vmsfroggy#1886
Isaac - Raid Leader - Discord (Stink)#7494 - Bnet Stink#11325
Shankspec - Recruiter - Discord Shankspec#8004 - Bnet mynucka1788#1532
Hey! If you are looking for a new home and your goal is to get Cutting Edge in Shadowlands we may be the guild for you! -Eternal Rise- is a newer guild on Area-52 lead by long term CE players, we are looking for select classes to complete our roster at this time.
Raid Times: Mon/Tues/Thurs 8pm-11pm est
Recruiting (High):
Death Knight (Dps)
Paladin (Ret/Holy)
Priest (Shadow)
Monk (Tank)
Druid (Balance/Resto)
Shaman (Ele/Resto)
If you have any questions or interested and don’t see your class listed above feel free to get in contact, we are always looking for quality players!
Contact Info:
Bnet Grace#1550
Discord Grace#9631
[H] - Burning Blade / Lightning Blade / Onyxia – CE Focused Guild – Wed/Thur + Sun 6-10PM CST
The Deal
The Zoo is a quality mix of hardcore and semi-hardcore gamers returning to the game and looking to fill out a main roster of dedicated mythic raiders. Most of our core raid team are veteran players who have been raiding on and off since WotLK and are looking to go hard and push both raid and M+ content. Priority will be given to applicants who can maintain competitive M+ rankings and still attend raid Wednesday/Thursday nights. Sunday night will be used as an optional Heroic/Alt night or to continue Mythic progression if needed.
The Plan
Castle Nathria will be used primarily to settle on a raid team that works well together while still hitting Cutting Edge. Post-Nathria we aim to clear content and push as hard as we can in both raiding and M+.
The Need
0-1 Tanks
1-2 Healers (Disc priority)
3-5 DPS (Ranged and 1 Warrior priority)
Our roster is very flexible at this point with many players willing to fill multiple roles, all applicants will be considered
Contact The Boys
Discord: Krasis#6157 or Moraxus#9931
We look forward to hearing from you! Come monkey around in the Zoo!
Hey, we’re mostly comprised of returning vets and former hardcore players as well!
I’ll leave our post below for you to check out, look forward to hearing from you!–-ce-focused-guild-–-wedthur-sun-6-10pm-cst/725702
Hi Sinkz, are you still looking for a team for Shadlowlands?
Here’s a tiny bit of background: discord community of 400+ focused on WoW with one guild on Horde-Illidan and one guild on Alliance-Sargeras. We have a few unique-led raid teams that range in difficulty. We like to welcome people that need a drama free home, mythic plus group, and/or a raid team. We are not a spam guild and prefer quality over quantity. I’ll drop some links below so you can get to know us better behind the scenes without any pressure.
Bnet Post:
You are more than welcome to stay in our discord and chat with us without joining the guild. If you have any questions, please message me on discord. Saph#7860
Thank you and good luck in Shadowlands my friends!
We are looking for a few more dps for shadwlands. If the below sounds like a good fit for you feel free to reach out to us! Hope to hear from you soon!
< Dethrone > Is a 2 day early evening raiding guild on Thrall . The officer core has achieved Cutting Edge multiple times, Raiding around the US 5 - 100 range.
Culture: The #1 goal of this guild is to achieve Cutting Edge. This can not be achieved by the Leadership alone, but the entire guild/raid team. All members of the raid team will be held to the same standard to promote accountability and fairness . Fostering this type of environment encourages everyone to put in the appropriate effort to achieve CE. CE does not happen by mistake.
Raid Schedule: Tues & Thursday 6:00 – 9:00 EST. Plus a 3rd day (Monday) for 2-4 weeks of a new tier.
Current Needs: Any exceptional player will be highly considered - We want to have a balanced raid team, but we will not turn a player down because their class is not high priority.
Application: https: //tinyurl .com/yyp3yra5
Melee DPS
Warrior - Medium
Rogue - Medium
Ranged DPS
Boomkin - Medium
Shadow Priest - Medium
Hunter - Medium
We are seeking for players that have a high drive to achieve and maintain CE. If interested please post on the thread & shoot me a real ID if you would like to talk more specifics.
Holby#1173 - GM
Savage#1589 - Recruiting/Officer
Hello Sinkz,
Vermilion eSports is a brand new eSports organization looking to build a friendly, mature, professional and supportive community for competitive players and streamers. As the organization is still in its infancy, financial compensation and contracts are to be negotiated at a later time.
The organization has a target of reaching Cutting Edge for the first tier, Hall of Fame for the second and third tier, and a serious competitor for World First by the time the following expansion For the time being, we are looking to aggressively recruit for the first few, fast-paced weeks for Shadowlands, with a target of first week Heroic clear of Castle Nathria, and diving straight into Mythic Castle Nathria in the second week.
The organization requests you respect the time of others as you would like others to respect your time.
Raid times are as follows (all times are Pacific Standard Time):
Tuesday - 1830-2130
Wednesday - 1830-2130
Thursday - 1830-2130
Monday (optional alt raids) - 1830 - 2130
Currently Recruiting all classes and specs at this time as well as leaders for administrative roles within the organization.
If you believe you have what it takes to push and compete, please reach out to me at Subsys#11228.
We look forward to hearing from you and look forward to welcoming you to the community.