Hello, as the title states, I used to be a hardcore raider back from Burning Crusade until about mid-Legion when I took a more casual approach to the game. I am looking to get back into the game and join a semi-hardcore raiding guild for SL.
A few nuggets of my raiding history:
- Celestial Defender Title (Realm first Algalon 25 man kill in Ulduar during Wrath of the lich king expansion). I was the raiding lead officer in this guild when we got this achievement.
- Most AOTC achievements up until Legion raids (where I became more casual)
- Self proclaimed God at playing shadow priest
. No, but seriously, I’ve played shadow as a main since Burning Crusade and I’ve snagged me many top 1% dps parses during most progression raiding races.
I am very eager to join a cool group of raiders and hope to show you that I’m definitely worth a dps slot on your raiding roster. I am also very used to subbing in as a healer when needed and have done many of my progressions kills supplementing the heal team as Holy or Disc.
Hit me up here in this thread or shoot me a message in-game if you wanna chat.
BTAG: Ferny#1367
Thank you!