Ex-CE / 2.7k io healer LF M+ team or AOTC guild

Hey Crazerk!

I’m from the guild SINTI on Barthilas OCE looking to recruit for AOTC 10.2 and for M+. We are cross-realm, so we have guildies on Barth, Frosty & Khaz and looking to expand! We have guildies running 22+ keys at the moment and a lot of our guildies that took a break during 10.1 hopping back on!

We AOTC raid Monday & Thursday 8-10pm AEDT (server time) but we understand if you aren’t able to make it 100% of the time, as long as you try.

You can find more details about SINTI here - Barthilas LF Raiders AOTC 10.2 Raiding.

I have added you on discord just now, but if any of the above interests you, please reach out on discord (fezleme) or on battle.net (fezleme#1437).