#1 parsing ret world Phase 1 /2. Took a break from the game and just game back recently. I got rank 1 without hand of rag when all the other rets had it. Looking for a guild that will let me play ret/gear me treat me like any other dps. Lf skilled guild with good kill times ideally who will help me reobtain rank 1 ret world again. I’m also a ex top 10 Us retail wow player and 2900xp 10x Gladiator. My btags Capernaum#1930. Or feel free to dm me on discord. Im not really that behind in gear. Just need wep and a few pieces from bwl to catch up. https: /classic. warcraftlogs .com /character/us/heartseeker/judgejudyx#zone=1000&partition=1
oh hi there