Evoker's Visage Form - Suggestions

Please reconsider some choices made for Evokers concering our forced decision to play in Dracthyr form all the time, here are some suggested fixes that could at least alleviate the issue:

  • Hover/Warp: There are two issues with this spell, first is it being completely canceled if you shift back to visage form while its active, losing the buff. Second is after this spell ends, even out of combat, it keeps you in dracthyr form. Should turn back to Visage, would help a lot when running around the city and using our dashes, so it would turn us back to Visage automatically.
  • Select screen: This seems really hard from a technical point of view, but selecting to show our visage form in character select screens would do wonders!
  • Playing in combat: This is really requested by everyone but has a few issues, which would be Hover, Draconic Skills and Deep breath. For hover, in visage form, we could have the same animations as priests when they cast their major cooldowns, it would fit it really well, and could be reused from somewehere else. For draconic skills like Fire Breath, Disintegrate, we could have the normal casting animation (it wouldnt look that weird tbh!) or just a “phantom” dragon, like Chromie in HotS or Mage’s Dragon breath. For deep breath a simple change would be to shift you into dracthyr form, cast the deep breath, and shifts back when landing. Would look super cool!

I know its a big challenge, especially when considering keeping the class draconic aesthetic, but Evokers are a race-locked class, and some of us don’t really love the dragon form, and it being more “optional” like other classes are getting now would be an amazing QoL feature!


I know they have their lore excuses, but there is really no reason why they could not make these spells work in visage form…
Deep breath is the only exception, and that would be fine as a shift and shift back, as you’ve noted.


I just want to be able to see my transmog all the time without looking like a butt-ugly dragon. TWW S1’s tier set looks way, way too good to be wasted on a race that can’t even wear the entire set in combat.


just make like a ghost dracthyr form around your human when you use their abilities


just make dracthyr wear transmog lol

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They’re literally doing this for the racial knockbacks already, manifesting dragon wings around your character for example. This would be a really evocative (hah) way to play Evoker, would cover a LOT of people’s issues.

One of the main reasons I’m not playing an Evoker is because I’m not into the whole dragonform thing. It’s just not to my tastes aesthetically, and that being the only option for Evoker means I just don’t play Evoker.

I’d love for this to change.


Agree with this. Evoker is probably the most fun I’ve had playing a caster, but I don’t like Dracthyr form and dislike the aesthetics of that race enough that I simply don’t play it.

I know there’s a very vocal portion of the playerbase that hates the idea of Evokers playing in Visage form but honestly, I don’t see giving players the choice to play their preferred race as a negative.

A lot of the spells could honestly just use basic animations since the visage form uses the blood elf / void elf skeleton. Disintegrate could totally just come out of the palm of the caster’s hand. Mages already have a spell that lets them cast while moving, so just do the same for hover.

Honestly deep breath is the big one, but if they can have demon hunters swap into demon form for one brief second to do their AoE stun, they can certainly just have Evokers do the same - swap into dragon form for the animation and then go back to the player’s visage.

I really hope the team reconsiders.


Wit the GCD change in the “Toggle Visage” spell we are one step closer to being more free on the usage of the visage form we now just need two small fixes from blizzard:

  • Visage form macro conditional, so it won’t keep toggleing it on and off when macroed with another spell
  • Stop removing hover buff while in visage, we could use Zephyr’s animation while hover is active outside Dragon form. This would also be a great animation fix for when we’re transformed/using toys/glamours so our character doesn’t “slide” when using Hover

I don’t think this should be hard. If you log out in visage form, it should show your visage form, simple as that.

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I think from a tech point of view its probably a real challenge, seeing how you look in game rarely affects the select screen (toys, druid forms, etc) but would be something cool to have, especially for other classes that will be playing probably 100% of the time on the visage form

This is only a problem for male visage form but blizz, PLEASE give us a barber shop option like orcs where we can choose between sassy and upright posture. Now THREE races suffer from warped, distorted and lopsided transmog that otherwise looks really good. (Check the blademaster beads or any of the new breechcloth style belts that get stretched terribly on blood elf sassy-pose.

It seems like an easy and very worthy fix to give all blood elves bodies something more regal and upright.

the more options the better

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They seem to have problems with this. Priest for example that uses that Ultimate Penitence spell and hits a target (with the shifting on) will never lose the wings when they revert back to caster form. The way they do the form change is awkward.

But i do agree - it seems fairly friggen simple to have shift in-shift out for those other abilities

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Visage form on select screen would not be a technical challenge, it’s already in the Trading Post screen with a toggle to select between the two.

For warbands just use the idea someone already said here, use whichever form the player logged out as.


You are literally taking flight when you hover. I swear some of you would ask for soar in visage if bliz caved even a little.

Same needs t o be done with the forum avatar too.

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Superman flight, why not?

soar in visage would be amazing, wings + elf = lit

Because creatures who can tap into the magical power of the blue Dragonflight would struggle with minor levitation spells?

No, my problem isn’t with hover specifically, it’s with the “get an inch demand a mile” mentality these proposals tend to have.