Evokers should have been allowed to use shields, as casters

That way you would have more shield users: Shaman casters, Paladin healers/tanks, warrior tanks. And then Evokers. Given the mail armor it totally would have made sense.

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Probably not because it would be a clipping issue with wings

oh you know I didn’t even think about the back, I was just picturing them holding them. Meh. Good point.

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And they are about to have classes opened up to them.

Dooooooooooooooope, guess we’ll see how it’ll work then

Spoiler alert, it won’t.

!!! But the dood said!! There’s no way I was misinformed on the forums!!

I meant in the sense that the clipping will be constant, not about the adding classes.

Oh thanks heavens!
But I can see them just hiding the shields and weapons, just like they do with backpacks and other back items.

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