Evokers can be clunky

Considering Evoker’s short range on top of all the hardcasting in Aug, I’d say the spec is pretty clunky. Typical issues with hardcasting are made worse. On top of it, there’s Ebon Might. Using a long cast to increase the duration makes it so stressful.

And Essences are already so restrictive. When we aren’t able to cast Eruption often, why make so awful to use?

So, how about we get another instant? Here’s a suggestion:

Volcanic Maw/Claws

  • Bite or a weapon strike.
  • Either a melee skill (10 yrd) or another like Azure Strike (25 yrd).
  • Instant cast.
  • Costs 1 Essence.
  • Increases Ebon Might’s duration.
  • Provides a stackable buff for each cast, improve your next Azure Strike or Living Flame. Increase damage, healing, number of targets hit, cast time reduction, etc.

This skill could fill one out of these two spots:

  1. It replaces Eruption (talent choice) and deal aoe damage as well.
  2. It takes the place of a single target Essence skill (same as Devast: Disin. for ST; Pyre for AoE)

And then there’s the talents.

Talents such as Essence Attunement, Power Nexus, Essence Burst generators, and Font of Magic shouldn’t be within spec trees as these are clearly shared across the entire class. Innate Magic, Enkindled, Instictive Arcana, Attuned to the Dream, and Lush Growth could become single-point talents so these can be added into the class tree.

‘Volcanism’, in Aug tree, feels like the most basic yet the most mandatory talent in there. Not much of a choice.

I think these two things could help clean things up a bit.

Both of those cost more than 1 essence you know.

Yea, I do.

I went with one so it takes more globals to spend Essences.

If you don’t care about optimization, just spam azure strike and eruption only with hover.

With your suggestion, if that spell is not a trap talent then, you would relocate evokers to melee… lmao.

Nothing good comes from people with hidden public profiles.

Long cast, standing still, restricted range, all of this makes you think an extended, instant melee skill is a trap?

If melee is a problem, 25yrd would work just fine. The question is if a instant ability with that range would be “OP”.

Try saying something useful next time.

Long cast, standing still, restricted range, all of this makes you think an extended, instant melee skill is a trap?

Yes, it’s a trap if it’s not optimal for dps. And if it is optimal, then you simply relocated evokers to melee. Rather play around 25 yard range, than melee.

sounds like you need to figure out how hover works


The irony of saying this after making this post is really really good.

If you find it clunky, you’re playing it very poorly.

Adding another ability like this would actually succeed in making it clunky, though.