They are going to make Demon hunters and Death knights at their release look like feral druids.
nearly all of their offensive abilities have either an AoE or cleave component to them. They look extremely mobile, and they have buffs that will be required for every raid.
This man is 30 seconds into watching his first alpha video and decides they’re going to be OP like Blizz couldn’t nerf them into the dirt with one 5 minute tuning adjustment chill out buddy
2 aoe knockbacks as their racials, aoe root, built in innervate to a friendly target, 20% aoe dmg reduct/30% party movement increase, raid wide CD reduction, and 50% stun duration increase
It’s an unwritten rule that new classes, especially new hero classes, have to be overpowered for at least two expansions. Evokers will be no exception.
Demon hunters wasn’t really something to be considered overpowered. They were good in Legion, but not oppressive. The same goes for monks (except for pvp). Dks still hold the title for being busted beyond belief on release.
I fully expect Evokers to be over powered on release but I’ll be surprised if Blizzard is foolish enough to do a repeat of Death Knights or Demon Hunters where they absolutely dominate uninterrupted for a whole expansion before they reign them in.