Evokers are playable right now

Continuing the discussion from Microsoft Lays Off 1900:

evokers are playable right now


They might be one of those people who don’t buy the new xpac and want to play evoker in the base game. Eventually DF (Dragonflight) stuff will be free to all, but not during DF.

I’m not sure why you made a new thread though, you could just reply to their comment.


Looks like the thread is locked, so they actually couldn’t.

Still a bit odd to make a whole thread to answer one question lol

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Oh good point, probably best not to start a thread continuing the discussion of a locked thread though lol

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Weird… idk how this happened. I was trying to respond in a thread… and it made a new thread?

im so confused. nothing new but still lol

Dude the thread was locked. Probably best not to make a thread continuing from it. I get that you’re replying to a specific part that was unrelated to what most certainly got it locked. But still, probably best to leave it be.

It was locked a day ago. I believe you would have had to click the little chain icon on that person’s post to link it.