Evoker Class Adjustments & QoL Suggestions
I’ve been thinking about various improvements for Evoker gameplay, particularly across Visage form functionality, ability range, and class specializations. Below are my thoughts on necessary changes and quality-of-life updates.
1. Visage Form Improvements
Evokers should have a Visage Option that better integrates with gameplay, similar to how the addition of the Dracthyr class combination occurred.
- Hover Initial Force: Add either the animation or Fel Rush Dash animation for “visage form” Hover activation.
- Sustained Floating Animation: Use the levitation animation to maintain the floating effect while hovering.
- Spellcasting Animations:
- Shatter Star / Disintegrate / Upheaval / Pyre → These should visually cast from our hands to complement the Visage form.
- Dream Breath / Fire Breath / Verdant Embrace → Either make us shift in and out of dragon form automatically or allow the spells to cast from our hands, similar to how Wild Charge works for Druids in human form.
- Dream Flight / Deep Breath / Breath of Aeons → These should automatically shift us to Evoker form when cast and return us to Visage form afterward.
2. Range Issues & Ability Adjustments
The limited range on key abilities remains frustrating and needs improvement:
- Temporal Anomaly / Dream Flight / Fire Breath / Dream Breath → The length and width of these abilities should be increased, especially Fire Breath / Dream Breath.
- Eternity Surge → Needs an option to function like Fire Breath. Currently, its interaction with near-death mobs is inconsistent, causing it to disappear into the void.
- Temporal Anomaly → Forces an unfun playstyle by making healing dependent on range. It should work more like Holy Radiance (Disc Priest), Wild Growth (Resto Druid), or Chain Heal (Resto Shaman), where the spell automatically seeks out targets.
- Dream Flight / Deep Breath / Breath of Aeons → These should have a wider path to make hitting stragglers easier, especially Dream Flight due to its healing nature.
- Dream Flight → Also, the name is hideous. Breath of Dreams sounds 100% cooler.
- Baseline 25-30 yd range → Annoying at best. This should be looked at.
- Ruby Embers should be baseline in all of the Evokers Living Flame.
3. Preservation Evoker
The identity of Preservation is all over the place. The spec has undergone constant changes, from infinite shields and HoTs to burst healing and back again. The constant reworks make it frustrating to play long-term.
- Mastery feels like a Resto Shaman ripoff.
- Reversion feels like a weaker Rejuvenation due to its cooldown and lack of smart application, making Echo necessary to apply, which is frustrating.
- Verdant Embrace is useful for repositioning but still frustrating to work around.
- Lifebinder adds an unnecessary layer of complexity on top of the already complicated Echo mechanic, which gets nerfed or tuned weirdly every patch.
- Living Flame was fun with infinite HoTs and instant-cast bolts, but now it feels lackluster.
- Blossom Builds got nerfed, are mana-hungry, and have no real filler.
- Essence abilities to extend essence counts and empowerment in the spec tree feel like a slap in the face.
- Flameshaper is irrelevant.
Preservation just feels jumbled. I loved the shield + HoT build in DF Season 1, then infinite HoTs, then Blossom builds—all of which got gutted.
I wish Preservation had a healing beam and did away with Echo. A more streamlined approach would be:
- Echo incorporated into Temporal Anomaly instead of being its own button.
- Mastery could work like Elemental Shaman’s Elemental Mastery, but for healing. This would replace the Echo ability or just make echo a mana cost ability.
- Essence Spender: A Disintegrate Heal Beam for single-target healing.
- Emerald Blossom as the dedicated AoE heal.
- Reversion has no cooldown and can be double applied without the need for echo acting like Germination from Rdruid. (But remove the 5% time reversal dmg and add initial heal.) or perhaps keep it and state casting Echo or having Echo triggers this effect.
4. Devastation Evoker
Feels much better now that Augmentation isn’t overshadowing it, but there are still some issues:
- Eternity Surge → Should function like Fire Breath, ensuring all targets in the area are hit.
- Pyre Explosion Radius → Needs to be way larger.
- Pyre 30% Reignite → Should be baseline. This effect makes or breaks the spec in both AoE and single-target.
- Firestorm → Still missing the mark. Pyre should generate charges that cause it to ignite in a Fury of Elune-style firestorm following hostile targets.
- Pyre Spamming Hurts Your Hand → There should be a talent for a Greater Pyre that costs 6 essence and fires 3 bolts over 2-3 seconds instead of constant spamming.
- Disintegrate & Hover → Casting Hover shouldn’t cancel Disintegrate—this is one of the clunkiest issues in Evoker history.
- Feed the Flames & Scorching Embers → These could be way better. Scorching Embers should instead make Fire Breath increase fire damage by 40% for X seconds. That way it is a personal buff on you the player not gatekeeping you to make Fire Breath an Empowerment lvl 1 to actually make use of the talent.
- Imminent Destruction → Forcing Deep Breath modifiers is weird and unhealthy design.
- Living Flame - such a long cast time, I dread it. Pupil of Alexstraza from Augmentation would make this better.
5. Augmentation Evoker
The way Augmentation was gutted felt unnecessary and harsh.
- Ebon Might → Should function as an aura that passively buffs allies and flares up when using Empower spells. This would prevent awkward DPS losses when solo or in small groups. Not force us to gate the cast in windows and just flow naturally like a regular DPS.
Then when were solo our damage is basically nearly the same as a normal DPS. Adding a fun component giving us the support option but capable of being independent. Which we lose when DPS are with us. Something that is controlled.
- Prescience → Shouldn’t be a 2-charge spell. It should be a spell that buffs the player caster us and a tank and a healer. 3 people total. That has a chance to do 15% echo chance but only after the Empowerment spell usage.
- Blistering Scales → Should apply to **both the tank and the Evoker. Like a Earth Shield double effect. **
- Temporal Breath → Should be a Shield Breath that slows enemies. The initial cast could start as a small stacking shield, gradually building up. The longer you hold it, the bigger the shield. Enemies would also receive a stacking slow, maxing out if fully charged.
- Upheaval → Should slow enemies after being hit.
These changes would make Augmentation less gated by Ebon Might uptime and allow for a more natural rotation, improving Eruption cast times and making room for a potential real gameplay changes.
6. General Quality-of-Life Fixes
Many talents should shift into the base tree.
Essence capacity should start at 6 move to the base tree.
Empowerment levels should increase should move to the base tree.
QoL Talents that should be baseline:
- Hover extra charge / speed / duration
- Rescue + Shield
- Wing Buffet should not be tied to Obsidian Scales.
- Improved Landslide is completely random and should be reworked.
- Bountiful Bloom is oddly placed.
A lot of talent choices just feel weirdly structured and don’t add meaningful variety.