Evoker Visage Forms

I really hope someday we can have different races for our visage forms like the dragons can. I’d love to rock a gnome with scales as the visage form in the future and that’d be a great way to fold in even more customization too.

The amount of depth that they had already was great but I hope someday this change could happen too. I guess worgens might like that option too but since it’s alliance race it might not work out.


It kinda makes sense why blizzard gave Dracthyr different visages

They were never around other mortal Azeroth races and locked away. Neltharion created them in perfection he believed they should be.

So per lore they don’t even know how to transform into a vulpera or whatever

If we had actual drakes as a race, maybe

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except now they know.

a Visage isn’t something you are born with.
its a choice.
maybe its not perfect because there is some deep seeded emotions that affect the final product. not wanting to completely hide their Draconic origins may lead to them subconsciously keeping it distinctive.


What bothered me is they should’ve known how expansive visage forms will become if they weren’t careful. The lab in Aberrus doesn’t resolve that second chance limiting the forms-- it should be fair to ask for more. :thinking:

There’s not even the design standard that pallies, shamans, and druids have with their race as Neltharion doesn’t share the same form.


Visage is broken until the spell works after casting hover.


I have a hard time playing only one race. DHS for example, I hate blood elves which is sort of why I have a hard time getting into them. When I play a class, I want it to be something that I enjoy the looks of and isn’t just your standard barbie doll, I want to play something that is out of the norm and just fits my personality.

I don’t always want to play as some cutesy race, I want to be something strong and bold.

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I second this…I’d love to have maybe a panda or vulpera for my visage rather than an elf or human. Maybe tauren or if they’re getting wild a worgen as… idk about the other races…might try gnome but idk


I’d love to see those too, maybe even Zalandari because they sort of have scales.


I’m so dang tired of all the high elf/human bodies getting recycled. Like if they insist on using them then how about have it just be a normal human/high elf instead of some grotesque abomination that we got? Highly doubt blizzard will give us new race options since those two are using rigs from two different races, so adding a human female and male blood elf would look too similar. Still want my dang green scaled night elf and black scaled orc visage form though.

Even if it takes them some time to implement different race visages, i would so be on board with that. i love my baby evoker’s current look of course, but some more choices is always good tbh.

Now THIS bothers me sooo much

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I quite like how my visage looks, but dang would I love a troll visage. Some of my favourite dragons have troll visages, n I just love trolls so much!

Dragons can choose whatever they want their visage to be. Dracthyr weren’t around the elves or humans they got either, but they know how to transform into those?

Just seeing the orcs and trolls in orgrimmar should be enough for them to choose one as a visage theoretically.

The only reason it’s one race is because they’d have to add scales and horns to other races.

If we get Worgen Visages do we get the human forms like Worgen too? Lol

Worgen with Dragon Tails?

Not only do I not like the way the Dracthyr models look, but I can’t stand seeing the scales on the visage forms head. Even with hair that covers most of it, it looks dumb. Why can’t they have fully formed visage forms like the dragons?

Anyway, I’m having too much fun with this little Draenei to bother, either way.



Never minded it much because I’ll never really see it anyway

Definitely kind of an odd choice tho. There’s an option for no body scales iirc, but not for the face.


Could happen. Not sure if Blizz would think the effort is worth it, but I don’t think a few textures and horn options would be difficult.

One thing I want for Dracs is hair and feather options. Some full, volumous hair options for our crests and some feathery variations for our wings would look great, imo.

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I’ve been asking for the ability to change moonkin forms like every other form can in the barbershop since wrath of the lich king lol.

I’m actually more certain this visage form change would come before moonkins could choose their color or form preference lol

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I do agree and makes sense on lore. Since the aspects and lots of dragons have different races, like Ebyssian as a Highmountain Tauren or Chrome as a gnome , night elves and so on and so forth . Evokers can have their personal preferences on Azeroth and its inhabitants


They could slap something together with oh, now that they have been around the inhabitants of Azeroth for a while they can have a different visage.

Wouldn’t mind if only the original visage forms had all the dragon customization, and they just gave us the stock standard models with dragon eyes.


The first Visage that we get is fine, for the beginning. However, now that we’re more involved with the other races, it would make sense that we would learn newer forms, to integrate with the races that we feel most connected with. They don’t need scales or even horns, but it would make sense that their eyes would be Cross, Slit or Glow.

Could even give them some kind of content to unlock them. Something like the Dracthyr version of the Heritage Armor questline.