Are very limited. Any chance we get dope dragon forms to unlock one day like druid forms? Where we glow or are on fire for example
That or just let us mog out our drac forms.
They got it to fit on tauren and worgen.
Why not dracthyr?
Even better! Just disappointed in the evoker set coming tomorrow with the anniversary event. Got me thinking about other customizations that we could earn in the future with its current limitations
More design and color options to the draggy body armor stuff. I match with that then build around it.
Litterally the most customizable race- wants more stuff. I think other races/classes could use an update before the dragons. Could start with unlocking all hairs to all races.
For sure, i don’t like the Dracthyr hair options either. Would be cool for them to get some options from the other races. Great idea homie
I want them to hire a 3D modeling artist to go through armor and make it so that all armor also shows on Drakthyr in Drakthyr form, not just shoulders/helm/belt. Make it so that’s their only job, so they don’t get distracted by other projects.
Helm doesn’t show.
It’s shoulder, tabards and some belts.
Only if Drac mog is separate from visage mog.
I wouldn’t mind that at all, just as long as we can mog them period
You can transmog the shoulders in your dragon form. The rest of the armor is decided from the barbershop. So in a way it’s better than druids
Ah, my mistake. Even more reason to have someone correct that error (of judgment)!
I dont understand why the tier sets dont unlock dracthyr mogs at least…its literally 3 armors per expansion…