[EVOKER SPEAKING] Don’t you DARE call Evoker mobile now! Evoker glide GUTTED

This thread is giving me hemorrhoids. What did they do to Glide? I tried reading to find out and was met with hemorrhoids. In my brain.

Did they remove the ability to use it on the ground? That’s the only thing that I can understand someone screaming about.

I honestly didn’t like having to spam that to keep up, while Hover was on CD. That’s just my opinion though. Did they like increase our run speed or something to compensate?

I haven’t played WoW in like 4 days. I’m already falling out of the loop. :sob:

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They removed the ability to have multiple forward momentums in one jump.

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Can’t you hover to cast while moving?

laughs hysterically in Holy Light

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I didn’t even know this was a thing. Jesus. The skies are falling. How will Evokers ever recover.

Talk about an overreaction. :dracthyr_crylaugh:

I was over here thinking they couldn’t glide on the ground anymore and just had to slowly run. Even that wouldn’t be the end of the world, cause of Hover. :dracthyr_shrug:

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Haha. Dragon reference. Noice.

“Max level” the epitome of experience.

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Can someone clarify what nerf is being talked about here?

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Hey man, that’s a whole TWO levels you gotta get. That’s some intensive work and grinding. It’s no joke. And that starting zone? You really gotta like TRY. It’s hard being an Evoker. :roll_eyes:

I had to look this up in several different places, because there’s little to no information in this thread.

If an Evoker jumped off of a high spot and repeatedly hit the space bar, their Glide ability would make them jump forward a little bit, so they could effectively cover great distances with this trick. They no longer can do that.

As far as I am aware, they can still use Glide on the ground to move short distances quickly, which DHs can do, and they’re salty that they’re basically the same as DHs now. And I say, boohoo.


We are not the same because a DH still gets that hop AND a double jump effectively getting more air.

Ours is basically a “oh look our wings halfway work” AND it went through alpha/beta/ptr and 1 week of live before being removed.

But don’t they have Soar to cover great distances? I mean, that doesn’t work in instances, but it does in the open world.


Oh my God! That’s terrible! Can DH’s fly up in the air and speed across an entire zone at 500%+ speed? They can? Omg that’s so unfair!

Oh, they can’t?

Oh okay. I see.

I guess it does suck though, that Evokers can’t do that literally with 100% uptime and have to wait a few minutes in between absolutely blasting through several different zones.

Cry me a river so I can Soar over it with my Evoker. :dracthyr_crylaugh:

Yes. Yes they do. lol

This whole thing is sad.

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Look, you don’t have to be passive aggressive about this. If it was legit fixed or changed early in alpha or beta I could get that.

ALSO this isn’t the soar mechanic this is the glide mechanic. Please get the abilities you’re talking about correct.

Effectively glide since it doesn’t have a double jump is basically only effective now as a slight parachute. Demon hunters can zip and launch themselves forward etc

Now soar is a whole other animal all together but that’s a discussion for later.

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Is it? Cause I think you’re missing the point I was trying to make by thinking I was confusing Soar with Glide.

Good lord chile. I know the difference.

The point I’m making is, everyone here is boohooing over Glide getting nerfed and losing some unintentional mobility when crossing a great distance, but they have one of the most OP open world movement abilities in the game. Are you guys even reading your posts? Do you see how much you’re embarrassing yourselves?

Do you know how long DHs have wanted to fly with their wings? Hell, even I wanted to do that when I first made one. I wanted the class mount to just be the ability to fly with my wings.

Then Evokers come out and y’all can Soar over an entire zone. Not only that, but you can also glide, just like a DH can. Off cliffs, off mountains, off anything, even on the ground to move forward, just like a DH.

And now you’re all freaking out because you can’t glide as good as you could before? Give me a break.

Go play a DK or something and then talk to me about how much mobility you don’t have, lol.

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Nope we no longer have that little hop and we do not have a double jump. Our glide is now a glorified parachute.

Soar is just dragon riding but it’s still on what… a 3 minute cd that we HAVE to get to a high spot to use otherwise it’s pointless.

Yeah we are. And why are you taking this passive aggressive tone with me even though I never ONCE was rude / mean to you in any capacity?

I’m sorry that a class I was playing that had what I thought was a feature all throughout testing (which I was a part of) then that made it into the live game was then fixed with no patch notes. If there was patch notes… maybe but there’s so many other bugs right now that need fixing. Glares at enchanting vellums not working

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So technically the end of a charge doesn’t use a GCD, but it FEELS like it does, and it looks like it does. If you don’t know better you assume it does and can’t be blamed if you end up playing like it does. This feels really bad to have a single spell require up to a 3 second cast AND feel like it has 2 gcd’s, on top of being quite wonky to aim at times.

Willing to bet you will not see evokers in top pvp, and if you do it’ll be from heavily setup 1 shots, and not actually thorough gameplay. That’s my guess anyways.

Evokers do feel clunky and unwieldy. Also begging to get kicked with so many abilities that have long cast times. Unless empowering isnt a spell per se.


Ya it def feels odd.

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I wonder IF THE OP talks like THIS IN REAL LIFE and I KNOW I am being a LITTTLE IMMATURE here BUT this is HOW I READ their POST AND it was HONESTLY kinda fun!


lol ya the OP was a little jarring on the read.

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Yeah Wrath Classic is quite painful.

For complaining about something so unimportant. I just think you guys need to be thankful for what you have. (That’s kind of the mindset one should be in today)

Maybe I’m taking it out on the wrong person, but I personally love how Evokers feel and was worried Blizz really screwed them up and then I come into a thread of people complaining over something so slight, I didn’t even realize it was a thing to begin with.

It’s such a tiny little change. It’s REALLY not that big a deal dude. Evokers are still really fun to play.

This is the only thing I agree with. Sort of. I don’t know why Blizz didn’t announce they did this, because I had to look all over YouTube and Google to find out what even happened in the first place. I will say, if they didn’t say anything, it wasn’t like a change to a feature, it was a fix of a bug.

Yeah this is really getting on my nerves.


tbh I made my dk for the free mount but I found a super chill guild that raids casually twice a week on an RP realm. lol I’ll be working on a druid next xD

Oh I do too. My thing is like you get used to playing it / using it then BOOM nerfed.

That and I was over a fire pit when the hotfix went live and I fell right into the lava. :expressionless:

Oh yeah for sure it’s just… aggravating that it wasn’t fixed earlier along with it just feels like a winged race doesn’t get to utilize their wings to the fullest capacity. Idk it just feels… weird.

Right and even then if it was just a bug fix that should have been in a bug fix thing or something. Like point out “this was a bug and was not intended” like they did with other stuff.

Ya =/ least crafting now isn’t like wrath classic crafting. Oh man… that would cause all kinds of problems if we had to level all that all the way up and the vellums didn’t work :dracthyr_lulmao:


Lots of people care about PvP and don’t care about PvE. Looking forward to PvE baddies getting smashed in PvP tho.

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