Evoker pvp

Whats more fun? Devastation or aug?

Ran into an aug evoker the other day that was PUMPING damage like no tomorrow. Just tryna see whats worth putting time into.

Sidenote: Just started playing evoker for the first time last night and omg theyre so fun.

Matter of opinion, but mine is I prefer Dev for pvp! Between their tools for ignoring crowd control and nearly limitless kiting potential, it’s very satisfying.

That said, I actually had no idea Aug did well in pvp. I just kinda assumed they giga-sucked like they do pretty much everywhere else currently (their 15% pve buff isn’t nearly enough, short and sweet).

There are pretty much no Augvokers in PvP and even fewer in PvE. Devastation, however, is great at bullying melee and now they can use Sleep Walk without wasting a PvP talent which gives them functionally a spammable CC almost on the level of fear, with the benefit that it only shares schools with two spells in our entire kit so if it gets kicked it doesn’t stop any of our damage.

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