Evoker needs a third spec

The tank issue is caused by something different…
Every new class so far added another Tank for several races…
The Tank shortage never was solved.

Why would another Tank change anything about that?

The tank shortage has nothing to do with how many tank specs are available and everything to do with how the playerbase treats tanks. Evoker tanks would fix nothing.

Have you seen the models? Drac’thyr are not big bulky dragons, they are spellcasters.

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Now I don’t really mind if they don’t get tanks, I think it’d be really cool if they did, but I don’t mind

Regardless, I don’t understand this. How does adding a tank spec take away from the range parts of the class? And we also have 6 healers, so if we have 6 tanks and 6 healers, and in Dragonflight we are getting a 7th… shouldn’t we get a 7th tank as well?

Personally I’m content with playing the healer and DPS specs. They seem like fun.

But I would at least like the option to tank because I prefer more options over fewer, and I will echo the sentiments about the tank shortage. An additional spec may not fix it, but it will help a little, and the shortage will get much worse without one. These are my concerns.

Vulpera tanks would like a word with you on looking melee and tanky

And of course having to make a choice like you said earlier won’t affect the number of tanks either? That couldn’t somehow make it worse? Or do you think effectively no tanks will say well I guess I’m a dragon sorry guys?


this has been explained many times already by many people, I’ll do it again just for the shats and giggles:

Adding a new tank spec does not increase the number of tanks in the game because there is in general a set amount of players who like/are willing to tank. And having a new tank spec does not increase this number by any significant amount.

However what we have in this situation is completely different.
We have a new RACE that cannot tank. Not a new SPEC that can.

there are many thousands of players out there who like to tank and will normally tank going into a new xpac (myself included). However many of these players will look at the new Dracthyr race and think it looks cool and want to play it. Some of these (likely thousands of players, myself included) will decide to try the new race out and see how they like it.
And since the new race can not tank, this will REDUCE the number of tanks in the game.

So having a Dracthyr tank spec would not fix the tank shortage.
but not having a Dracthyr tank spec will make it WORSE.

as I have said before, there are 2 solutions. Either give the Dracthyr a new class to play (warrior seems like a good fit) or the Evoker needs a new spec that can tank.

I agree with the reasoning behind having the Evoker be a rdps/healer class, but the lack of a Dracthyr tank ability is an issue.


this right here.

They already stated that in time they would be open to Dracthyr being other classes so if the new race not being able to tank is an issue, they’ll eventually and most likely add other classes for them like Warrior, mage, shaman, etc and will be able to tank. Maybe even Monk too.

Evokers however will always remain a ranged spellcaster. Already had three new melee classes in a row so this time they went with ranged and will stay that way.

Also prior to the new class being added we had

Tanks 6: DK, DH, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Warrior.
Healers 5: Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaman.

Now Evoker makes it even at six tank classes and six healer classes. As Thanos once said “Perfectly balanced. As all things should be”.

Sure Blizzard Soon(trademark pending) maybe this expac, more likely the next one, hopefully not 12.0. But either way bare minimum will likely be 10.1 in about 2 or so years.

the problem is that “in time” part. The problem of Dracthyr not being able to tank is going to be a problem as soon as people start doing dungeons (which will be day 1) and last until it is solved.

Now I like the Lore of Dracthyr only having 1 class.
And I understand the reasoning for having the new class be a healer/ranged DPS.
But I do think that this is going to make the tank shortage problem an even bigger issue until the Dracthyr are able to tank. And that is a bad thing for the game.

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Shortages of tanks and healers has always been a thing. It was never solved when new classes that can tank and/or heal were added. Demon Hunters being able to tank didn’t resolve a tank shortage and them not being able to heal didn’t increase the issue of lacking healers.

Because the issue has not, and never will be, the availability of tank or healing specs. It is quite simply that more people like causing damage because it is the role with the least amount of responsibility and, ironically, the highest amount of praise for doing well.

Healing and tanking are constantly high pressure roles. Especially in dungeons where there is only one tank and one healer. They also receive less praise. Tanks especially don’t get enough credit for holding enemies, positioning them, dealing with tank specific mechanics, assisting with other mechanics, and properly using their abilities to survive in order to make the healer’s job easier.

You could give every class in the game a tank spec and the issue doesn’t go away. Because the problem isn’t a lack of choice. The problem is most people don’t like playing that role.

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But would you agree that having the new race not tank could lead to less tanks at least in the short run?

Again, it’s not a matter that a new tank spec will get more people to tank (I mean a few of us will at least), but rather that if Dracthyr don’t have access to a tanking class, there will be even fewer tanks than there are now.

Pandas are dumb and that’s why no one plays them.

Look at how many Void Elves there are and then tell me people don’t play new races.

If an issue at all, it would be an incredibly short term issue. No different than when Death Knights and Demon Hunters were added with no healer specs. It’s the same overblown “omg everyone will just play the new class” attitude when they were added. It didn’t hurt or help anything and those fears were unfounded.

These expansions have so far doubled the number of tank specs available in the game. It used to be just Druid, Paladin, and Warrior. Then by the time Legion came out you had Death Knights, Monks, and Demon Hunters. Yet despite doubling the number of tank specs and classes, the issue of lacking tanks remained. It didn’t change anything.

I’m saying the problem is the inverse. Adding tank options doesn’t fix the problem, but removing options makes the problem worse.

What was removed? The option was never there to begin with. If doubling the tank specs and classes didn’t resolve the issue or make it much better, then a new class being added for once that isn’t capable of tanking isn’t going to make the issue worse. Because the issue, as I have pointed out, is not the tanking options. It’s that most people don’t like playing that role.

Historically every new race has been able to do any role. While existing stuff isn’t being removed, the entire possibility of tanking with the new race has been. This has never been done before.

Anyone who wants to play the new race will be restricted from tanking altogether.