Evoker can't roll for tier set token

Just finished one LFR, boss dropped one tier set token, but can’t roll for it even though it’s for my class (evoker). Seems other evoker can’t roll for it as well.


Seconding this, myself and another evoker were both unable to roll on our tier token in LFR.

same bug killed dathea on heroic couldnt roll need on tier tokens. only transmog

Same issue in normal

I can’t believe that went through to live


bump this for fix

Same, can’t roll on Normal or Heroic raid for tier set as Evoker

I was able to roll for one in LFR and I got mine

anyone else having same issue?

Same issue here, on heroic 3 TIMES! I lost my chance to roll 3 tokens. It was Basically free loot for the monks and warriors there. How do they plan to compensate us?

same issue, could not roll on tier token on my evoker. it relegated me to (off-spec) on the tier token. fix this and compensation should be in order, this is bullcrap.

Please fix this bug. I missed out on 2 tier rolls. Guildmate in separate run also unable to roll need as an evoker on Zenith tier pieces on 4/23.

Has this been fixed yet?

Nope, just got scammed the same. winning roll was 13 too, highly likely i wouldve won :frowning:

Couldn’t roll on tier either. Please fix this bug so I can raid without feeling like I’m wasting time. Would be nice if we got any information about this issue.

This bug has not been fixed yet! Kindly look into this. I know a bunch of us who have not received our proper rolls.

The bug in question, it lets us roll but - it goes into off spec and doesn’t have a number associated with the roll.
Happened to me yesterday while rolling in the heroic awakened Vault of the Incarnates.