Evil horde narrative

This is a bit off topic no? I suggest another threat of how N.E. are miss treated and I promise to support you in it. Won’t derail the conversation by pointing out other short coming in the opposeing faction. As it would not be appropriate in the conversation as N.E. short comings are not appropriate in this thread.

Plus these jabs and direct comparison to the opposeing faction are also not apporiate. But to your question, yes horde does see their land taken over by the allaince. Durator, northern barrens, southern barrens, azshara all have allaince forces, outpost and yes even fortresses. Further more in Stone. Mountains horde actually loose the zone in allaince questing… did you miss it?

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Congrats on being understanding over the preferences of other posters, it is nice to see positive changes on fellow posters.

Continue with the good work.

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No, this is entirely on topic. The complaints from the Kaldorei community has always been invalidated. The Horde player base wants to complain about their evil narrative, at least you have a narrative. At least the Horde races are not just scapegoats for the story advancement of others.

Small, single outposts… The zones are still largely your own, which is not the same as Ashenvale and Stonetalon.

This is Night Elf territory that went Horde in Cata….

In Alliance questing, we don’t win it, which is the point.

You did win the entire zone in the questing…

On the zone side, N.E. pre Cata had way to many zones under there control. I though you were against imperialism and empires?

But as for faction balance do you kind of see what had to happen? Horde as a faction had a lot less zones as horde was worked on after the allaince in wow 2004.


Probably because they’re ridiculously overblown.


Ya pretty much, or NE players are just jerks and want to derail other players complaints.

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No we didn’t… We failed in the questing. Alliance side, we spent the entire time chasing this bomb attached to a balloon, and it blows up anyway, killing several young Kaldorei. Once again, the Kaldorei are brutalized and murdered… but we are told we “Win” so we just have to get over it…

There is a link up above that points to thread with quest text. It proves that the allaince won in questing. Let me know if you want me to provide the link.

In the quest you bomb a mostly empty Druid school and the students are rescued. Sooo ya…

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But we never see that… I understand the Kaldorei canonically “Win” but we never actually see them do it. There is no resolution to anything they do. For f–k sake, Jaina got a whole novel about Theramore. We get a few pages about Teldrassil… Great.

Did you know there is only one location in all of Kul Tiras where there are Night Elves? If you had to guess, what do you think they are doing there? Having a chat with the Local druids? Maybe helping cure the disease caused by the corrupt Tide Sages?

Nah… none of that. Alliance actually doesn’t get to do anything with them. The only reason they are there is because the Horde needed someone to kill for the War Campaign. God forbid they had it be humans… That would be silly.

I’m still lost why you can’t just create another threat about night elf short comings. And stop detailing the thread here. I didn’t even know horde killed any night elfs in our war campaign. We just go around collecting corpse and an artifact we loose the next patch. Ya horde war campaign is crap in my opinion. At least on allaince side you strike horde forces.

I guess you want more N.E. content, and again this thread isn’t to take away from the allaince or night elfs.

Also the forsaken are in a similar state don’t control and territory and have lost their home.

But in your words what would make you happy? What story changes do would you recommend?


Where’s the proof that anyone was killed by the bomb? I just re-read the quest text, and it only talks about how the building was destroyed, nothing about loss of life. I also watched a video of the explosion (Alliance version), and no figures are visible in the building when the bomb is dropped.


Two reasons, because it has been done countless times, and these two things are connected. I am not derailing the thread and you are about to see why in a moment.

Blizzard is obsessed with their Orcs and Humans, I understand it’s what started the franchise, but that’s no excuse to ignore other races. The thing is, the Night Elf community has been NEEDING a win for a long time. Like an actual win that can be seen and felt. If Blizzard wanted to kick off a faction war, they should have destroyed Stormwind and Orgimmar, not Teldrassil and Undercity.

Since when did Sylvanas ever give a sh–t about Teldrassil? Blizzard literally needed to have Sargaras stab the planet with a sword to get Sylvanas to care enough… The enemy of the Forsaken have always been the humans, and I think most Forsaken players would agree. While Orcs and Humans have a historical rivalry, the Orcs and Night Elves have been greater enemies since post-WC3. It makes more sense geo-politically.

Unfortunately, I think Sylvanas would still need to be the instigator… I just don’t see a way around that, but imagine this… Anduin Wrynn fleeing a burning Stormwind much like his father and the man who he’s named after, and the Kaldorei responding with something equally heinous. Which is something a lot of Kaldorei fans want… We WANT to be blood thirsty, we want to be ruthless. But Blizzard keeps writing us as these damn extra-tall purple high elves… We’re not.

I think your problem is that you believe her complaints are somehow invalidating your own.

Besides regarding Stonetalon.
The Alliance finale was rather pathetic compared to the Horde.

One faction got to literally witness the enemy city being obliterated meanwhile the other faction gets to sit in a Glaive thrower, kill a bunch of Horde that spawned everywhere and then… thats pretty much it.
You later get told “you win! Now run along to the next zone!” Meanwhile the player is left wondering why the massive Horde super fortresses were left alone. Shouldn’t they be destroyed?

This is why Stonetalon is so forgettable to Alliance players. Your victory is just a few text lines.


Example: Arathi Warfront. I could not tell you the name of the Horde base. I could care less if it was wiped out. The Alliance, on the other hand, are fighting for Stromgarde. Which is an actual, significant place in the game with extensive lore.


Too bad it looks so ugly.
Its all massive thick walls with barely anything inside.
But I agree.

Hammerfall looks pretty cool though.
Refuge point is still a camp.

See the thing is, they could of destroyed Orgimmar and kept the horde honorable or the heroes in their narrative.

Again I do not see why night elf complaints can’t be fixed while making the horde morally gray as blizzard describes them. So I do not know why this needs to be brought up here.

I don’t think you know what these words mean… Honor is a subscription to an objective moral code. Moral ambiguity makes honor impossible.

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are from 2 different perspective, 1 is from the characters the other is from the viewer.

Okay… but honor is the exact opposite of moral greyness. You cant be both. Someone might believe they are, but from the objective perspective of the view, it cant be done.

okay, guess i will back track away from morally gray.

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