Everything wrong with BfA in one player quote

Killing Taloc on Mythic doesn’t count as mythic raiding…


THIS is exactly what I am talking about. Bad, bad, bad game design.

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Not really. He isn’t wearing the Mythic gear set if he hasn’t run Mythic. He is wearing gear that titanforged or warforged. It probably isn’t best is slot and contains stats that don’t quite make him a mythic raider. The best gear still comes from Raiding, regardless of its ilevel.


Thank you! I was about to ask why in the hell I am being called a mythic raider. lol


You’re right. Read his profile wrong.


So, they are doing high mythic pluses which is suppose to be an alternative gearing route - working as intended as far as I can see.


I do, and here’s why. This attitude of welfare epics and dumbing down the game is at the heart of all bad decisions in the game. It’s the crux of lazy design and yes, everything wrong with BfA.


That guy didn’t get that gear from doing world content.

I mean meh I don’t think it matters all that much, gear is a means to an end.

You consider M+10 welfare. Cool!


I like being able to get my alts gear to run keys and other “more difficult” content. It is annoying when my lock gets some super nice titanforged trinket but it is still cool to have some variety and be able to do cool stuff on alts without having to kill myself to get geared up. Yes, there does seem to be lots of available loot but honestly more enjoyable than the early days where if you could not raid you were capped and a certain level and nothing you could really to about it.

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Only anecdotal. But if the numbers are reliable, the percentage of mythic raiders hovers somewhere around 5-15% of the player base (and I think 15% is generous, imo).

So, if we accept maybe 10% as a number for players who actually raid on the mythic level, then, when Blizz says, “Hey, you can still earn high-level gear without having to raid mythic,” 90% of the player base is going to cheer, while a portion of the 10% will get cheesed off, and a tiny portion might actually quit the game over their disappointment.

Restricting the best gear to just a 10% slice of the player base is not a great strategy for marketing your game. Diversification is a good thing.

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If you want to totally ignore anything that doesn’t confirm your biases, sure.

They have been complaining about people getting gear too easily (and therefore ruining their excuse for gatekeeping) for years.


Gear used to be a meaningful end in itself. It’s only now the means to an end because it’s thrown around so frivolously it’s worthless.

You or I don’t know the actual name of the shoulders we’re wearing or our bracers, but wow didn’t used to be that way.


He might not if he actually did that content.

Ha! No, but I do consider LFR titanforging higher than heroic gear to be a welfare system. Absolutely.



Titanforging is dumb, and warfronts, emissaries, and the weekly mythic+ cache are vastly over rewarding.


Sorry, you can’t get to overall Mythic ilvls only doing WQ’s and LFR.


The guy you quoted in the first did not get that gear in LFR. You really are working hard at trying to make a case that someone can be fully mythic raid geared from doing LFR but it just doesn’t work, no one is going to believe you.

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Of the many things not great about BfA, who gets what purpz is not one of them.