Everything is gone

Well, this is fun. I logged on this morning to find all the items including the cloak and my bags are missing from my character. The cash and bronze are still there, but everything else is missing.
Hope this gets addressed and fixed soon.

Just tried the Delete and Restore. Works like a charm!
Now I’ve got to get my wife to log on and fix her toon too.
Thanks Zaurox!!

Try restarting the game. I forget what exactly they said, but someone else commented that they got their stuff to show back up.

Good to see I’m not the only one who was affected by this. I logged out last night at level 39, logged back in this morning and not only was everything in my bags gone, the bags were gone as well. I did move the position of my character in the menu so they were up at the top on that realm, but I doubt that would cause anything. Hopefully my items can get restored sooner rather than later, I tried re-logging multiple times, no dice.

have you tried uninstalling all your addons and deleting your cache folder :smiley:

Some people have had the delete your character then restore it work for them. But can only do that once per 7 days.

I had this happen on 2 accounts just delete your characters and restore and you’ll have everything back to normal.


Can confirm this worked for me. Good temporary solution until they fix it.


Glad it worked. Good to know for when mine do a poof.

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Holy crap. Never knew about this quick fix. Worked like a charm. Thank you very much Zaurox!!

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Yes, worked for me as well. Now I just have to worry about it happening again and not being able to delete and restore a character for another week.

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