Everything feels wonky

Im not sure if its because of the new UI, lag, or what but the game feels like im currently playing a mobile phone game in bgs. It just feels “off” graphically and everything else. Is anyone else experiencing this?

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something with the gfx is making my computer struggle, there’s a choppiness. EQ and recommended settings were all reset so it’s probably in the game engine itself.

new UI feels like an addon. as if they contracted the animations/design off to a mobile developer, like you alluded to. the raid frames and casting/xp bars are not derived from the same color pool as the Warcraft III style skill icons, and their dpi is a lot higher, so it feels bad. the UI animations are also more FPS than any spell effect or model in the game, which makes the combined experience seem jarring.

idk who’s screwing up basic stuff over there but it’s a letdown, i’ll be honest.


oh yeah we’re in wonk country now

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My main issue, besides all of the ridiculous balancing problems, is having to include several more skills in my rotation.

On the plus side, I feel like I found a good tree for PvP. I tried a mastery variant as well, but that isn’t as bursty. It seems the meta demands burst.

Man ain’t that the truth. I feel like I can’t keep up with all of these CC abilities.

What I encountered so far

  • Scoreboard in rbgs doesn’t display stats

  • Wintergrasp crashes the game

  • Consistant lag

  • Add-ons being broken

  • Solo shuffle having a leaver and rating issue.

  • Talents not displaying info properly/ not working.

  • Rated pvp tab not displaying proper stats.

  • Party frames not displaying properly.

On the new UI the minimap dots are so tiny they’re practically useless. And the new unit frames give no indication of player class. I’m trying to adapt to it but I’ll probably jump to the first good mods that work. My old ones don’t.

I might end up using a UI mod for the first time ever because of this. I don’t know.

Yeah im waiting and hoping an add-on is released soon. I literally dont want to play at all right now. This is a pretty pathetic prepatch. After all these years to have this kind of experience is so disappointing


my favorite part is seeing mounted players look like a mining node on my hud.

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It’s not your perception, there’s an actual stutter occurring.

See thread: Massive stutters with DF client - #332 by Radshift-remulos

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One of the minor features of an addon called Leatrix Plus is the ability to enable class color frames. They look reallllly good with that turned on. It turns the blue / red glow to whatever color represents each class.

Didn’t the old default unit bars have a class icon or something? I haven’t used them in forever but seems like I remember there being a class icon.

Dude that name and your transmog is spot on for home lander. Gave me a good chuckle! That’s pretty awesome man. 10/10

The more I use the new UI I’m finding it difficult to work with. The target-of-target is locked to the target. The pet UI is locked to the player UI. The target cast bar is locked below the target. The new UI unlocks some things but not others, for no reason. It doesn’t show the class of enemy players in PvP. It’s half-finished.

I gave up and installed ELVUI and trying to figure it out. Slowly but surely learning how to configure everything to duplicate and improve on what I had without ELVUI. Definitely achievable but there’s a learning curve and time and testing.