Everyone should have a path to progress to max ilvl gear, EVERYONE!

Can’t really disagree with ranked PVP giving superior rewards. Hopefully they are good enough for the excellent pvpers do gear up in their preferred content.

I don’t disagree with that either, however I miss how earlier expansions allowed all pvp players, who did a variety of random and rated pvp, a viable process to better gear as well. However, that would require separation of pve and pvp gear again which they won’t do as it would lock out Raiders from stomping low level pvper’s in casual bg’s.

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The problem with pvp is that it’s an “esport”. Worst decision Blizz ever made with pvp.

WoW was born due to casuals. WoW grew due to casuals. WoW was always for casuals.

Now mythic raider Ion thinks he can create a game catering to the extreme 5% mythic raiding minority. He is going to fail, and the ship is going to sink with him.


Congrats. YOU are an adult who doesn’t want everything handed to you for nothing, realizes that you will get gear equivalent to the effort you put in, and I applaud your parents for raising you with common sense and a solid “work ethic.”

hope you know ion doesnt even mythic raid. Also the game wasnt built for casuals, was built for all type of players. Reconsider your words.

Exactly. So what are you going to do: give everyone mythic level gear so that gear means nothing in the game OR are you going to tie gear to effort and make people work for what they want realizing that there will be gear that allows you to play YOUR game, casual or otherwise.

Casual players don’t need mythic gear … and really, don’t deserve it.

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SL is as casual friendly as it gets. Covenants designed to make things more inclusive, weekly cache options, legendaries, Torghast, better pvp loot, and of course you can still raid and M+.

Seriously do you just want to log in and have a full 9k ilevel set in your mailbox?

We just discussed this and as of now it is not better, just different. It remains to be seen if it is better for the elite pvp’rs as so far it is abysmal for casual honor gear.

Rated PVP giving up to 3 chest options is better regardless.

In your opinion I suppose, but so far the verdict of the pvp community is out on whether or not pve gear will continue to be the elite gearing option for both pve and pvp.

I would agree with your statement in it’s entirety if only we could keep the players with the elite mythic raiding gear out of casual pvp.

The gearing system was perfect when the gear was separated.

Huh? The current system in Legion and BfA has been, for the most part, okay with me. I’m not too annoyed with seeing Heroic Ilvl Players joining Heroic Raid Pugs and not having any idea what they’re doing or thinking that ilvl means they can “pull their weight” when they don’t know proper rotation / BiS stats, etc. I mean, thankfully there’s Raider IO to make sure the person has experience.

But I’m against this call for people wanting Mythic tier gear in current season by doing things outside of how they have always been earned - high-end group content. Visons are fine because last tier there’s always something at the end to make it easier.

But what if you prefer raiding and like doing pvp casually? Kind of breaks the play as what you want when you want mentality.

If you have elite gear you should be doing elite content not stomping low levels for kicks. That said it’s not the players fault, but game design that ruined causal pvp.

I’ld have to say it’s the casuals that ruined casual pvp. Not liking it when people play better and always equating it got gear.

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Looks like you’re more of a pve player so the new gearing system for pvp since Legion wouldn’t be an issue for you but an advantage.

A communist, exactly what this game needs. #Casuallivesmatter

All we really need is separate gear. Pve for pve and pvp for pvp IMO.

Things were better when they were kept simple with the Honor/Conquest Vendor of old. Everyone was on the same playing field if you had a full Conquest set and it was down to your ability to play your class. Removing those things for 2 expansions is what really killed casual PvP in my opinion.