Everyone should have a path to progress to max ilvl gear, EVERYONE!

The fact that players consider Mythic+15 casual is a clear indicator of how far out of whack perceptions have gotten. Again, timed content is not casual.

Because losing all my sanity near the end of a vision while I go AFK to deal with a family emergency is totally casual. Again, timed content is not casual.

You got me. According to https://www.noxxic.com/wow/dps-rankings/real/1/475/
Arcane Mage in 475 gear - 66.8K DPS
Fury Warrior in 445 gear - 28.5K DPS

So you’re right. It’s a mere 232% discrepancy. Everything’s totally, cool then!

Who defines that M+ in its entirety is not content for casuals? Cause as far as I’m concerned it’s for everybody. Casuals all the way to Hardcore players.

How long did you go afk for? I have gone afk like 5mins in a 5 mask and been able to hop back in and still clear. That’s fairly casual. (And I’m on the “casuals deserve awesome gear” side of things).

Also, people still use Noxxic? I thought that was really old washed up stats that no one really paid attention to because it isn’t accurate. Honest question, as I don’t know, and have not used it in some time after hearing such.

It not the point the point is every one should have a chance at high lvl gear not just raiders

Congratulations then! SL looks to be a good expansion for that.

There are other ways besides raiding to get “high ilvl” gear.

And you can go back in and try again. You kept touting dungeons in Visions. Go find a group then that can finish the vision for you then. If you have a real family emergency and you still care about loot, then you don’t have your priorities correct.

You just compared two different classes/specs… and you used Noxxic? Hahaha. How bad are you at this?


You have a chance. You have the same chance of raiding mythic as I do.

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This thread is closing on 1k so you might not have followed the developing conversation.

I agree a path for solo play if it’s made very very hard such that it doesn’t tempt raiders away. It cannot be an easier path.

A solo path needs to respond to the difficulty of coordinating with 10-25 other players.

May I suggest a multitude of Single Player games that you can partake in Solo? They have much better storlyines.


There are these things called “guilds” that allow you to co-ordinate with other players if it is an issue with time tables.

On the other hand, if you’re issue is that you can’t figure out raid mechanics, then the solution for you is to read the guides, watch youtube tutorials and do the fights until you get them down.

If on the other hand you are too much of a spastic shortbus that you literally can not do raid mechanics at any level then “alternative paths” will not be viable for you since you don’t have the ability to complete said content.

That’s not it at all.
You’re just taking my last post and making ridiculous amounts of assumptions.

I’m really not gonna detail everything every time someone wants to contribute to the conversation without reading how it developed.

Can’t blame you tho… 932 posts and counting. Lol

And as me and other people have pointed out, there are a plethora of ways to get quality gear without ever entering a raid, and besides that casual players really don’t need top end gear since they aren’t pushing hard content.

Like, if all folks want to do is low keys, world quests and farming then there really is no need for anything beyond the equivelant of 8.3’s 440.

Preaching to the choir, man…

It is only decent that everyone should have access and a viable path to gearing just like it should be in real life.

Sadly both are currently very flawed and need systematic changes.

I’d just like to see crafting become a viable form of gearing, particularly over the lifetime of the expansion. It doesn’t have to be the best gear and they could limit it with cooldowns or whatever to keep it in line with the gear progression of raiders.

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Also ~and this really needs to be pointed out~ Mythic raiding isn’t fun. It’s hard work where you are basically pushing your face into a wall for weeks until the wall moves and you and your raid team move onto the next wall and repeat the process until you get your beyond achievment.

It is a brutal, uncompromizing affair where you will spend thousands of gold per week on repairs, pots and food so that you can prog. And RNGesus being the capricious prick that he is you will get no loot at all.

So why in the hell would I push Mythic if some homp who just logs on for 4 hours a week can get the same rewards?

Dude… I’ve said that. Am not sure why you’re replying that to me.
A bit disoriented, but w/e… yeah I agree with you. Lol

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This is like quoting Trump on why COVID isn’t bad.


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This is your opinion only, I find Mythic raiding very fun and I enjoy the slow burn of bosses and overcoming an obstacle/challenge with a group of people I enjoy the company of.