Everyone should have a path to progress to max ilvl gear, EVERYONE!

Being rewarded for the work you put in on harder content is a logical reason. You also being bad is just a fact

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Wait. What if they want to get max gear by just playing the pilot part of the game. You’re trying to justify another avenue getting max gear, but SWTOR doesn’t let you do what so many of you are asking for - giving you access to best gear by simply playing the game however you want.

Yeah, but they don’t lock up the pool sticks and force new players to make do with broom handles until they successfully perform a set of trick shots, either. You don’t have to be a professional player before they deem you worthy of playing their game in the manner it was clearly intended.

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I feel like “Excluding” is a word that people on these forums like to throw around. I can’t really get behind players acting like victims because they don’t get access to gear that players put in effort to get. Which also fun fact you can still get Mythic ilvl by clearing 15s in M+.

How is that logical? You’re playing a video game. What kind of reward are you expecting? What does a world first boss kill contribute to society? The purpose of the in-game reward is to give players a goal to work towards so that they continue to feed money into Blizzard’s coin slot. You’re confusing it with a merit-based award.

your dont get extra gear for world first killing a boss. Anyone who kills the boss gets a shot at the gear. Also wtf is your point? what does playing wow contribute to society period?

Wait - so there was a system in place that you could get the previous tier gear without having to raid.

You can literally do that right now. You can literally spam bgs, go through the entire cycle of gear and then start getting current heroic tier level halfway through the current tier.

What are you complaining about then?

You can to visions solo and get up to 470 ilvl. A full clear without masks gives you 445 gear. Doing the weekly assaults gives you 445 gear.

I repeat - what are you complaining about them? The rewards now are better than what WotLK can offer because you’re getting almost current mythic tier and getting 15-25 ilvl than previous tier mythic tier.

Then delete the “world first” from that. What sort of benefit have you provided to your fellow players by killing a boss? None to anyone outside of your group.

You kind of just made his point. And yeah it is a video game. You want the reward then you have to play the game. You don’t want that? I can recommend some games where there’s essentially little to no difficulty and you can win just fine.

What are you talking about? You can literally shoot pool with your friends. You want to start winning trophies or winning tournaments you’re going to have to get much better.

Just because you buy a pool stick and pay for access to the pool hall doesn’t meant you should immediately get the rewards the people who are better and have spent countless time getting better.

I don’t get to stick my quarter into a game and demand that I immediately get high score or skip right to the ending. There’s a path the game designers have laid out as it is, you know, their game they designed.


This right here sounds like communism.

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Note the discrepancy between 445 gear and 500+ gear. In contrast the WotLK differences between tiers were 251 for low-end ICC versus 232 for the Pit of Saron dungeon. You’re talking 19 item levels versus ~60. Also, the power differential was nowhere near as high. You didn’t see players in ICC raiding gear doing 400% of the DPS of a Pit of Saron-geared player using a comparable rotation. That’s what I’m complaining about.

Are WQs your highest tier of content? I’m very curious to hear this perspective from someone that plays the way Ralph is describing.

Okay. What gear besides your cloak and neck get to 500+ like you hyperbolize? Both of which can be obtained completely through solo, non-raid play.

And you compare 445 when there is literally access to 460 gear by cycling through random bgs and you can trash azerite to get currency to get mythic tier azerite.

Can you stop ignoring obvious gearing systems in place that are exactly what you’re crying for just to fit some narrative that you can’t get what you’re crying about?

460 ilvl compared to 475 ilvl with same corruption (because you can target corruption) is not a 400% dps difference. Seriously, stop hyperbolizing. It’s kind of sad.

When did I say I don’t want that? I’m saying that Blizzard is not currently providing any meaningful rewards for the work that casual players are willing to put in. Where did I say that casual players shouldn’t have to do any work for gear? I just said that the gear should be made available through casual systems. The badge system from WotLK was a classic example of that.

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Why should I have to PvP to get PvE gear?

Not reliably. Most of the trashed azerite is a dud. I’ve been trashing azerite all expansion with a laughable amount of residuum to show for it. In contrast, every single WotLK dungeon gave me a badge. Heck, there was a daily quest as well as a weekly one that awarded them!

Oh yeah, I forgot residuum. Isn’t this more or less exactly what’s being asked for? “It’s okay if it takes forever, I just want big numbers”?

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PvPer’s have been asking the same question in reverse. And some classes had to PvP to get their BiS essence for raiding / M+ as well.


Let’s be fair, I don’t think anyone thinks it’s fair to force PvPers to do content they hate, and visa versa. That’s not the fault of the PvE players.

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Are you just a bad reader? I listed Visions as well. That’s an avenue of non-PvP gear that is soloable or you can do in groups, just like dungeons, to get up to 470 gear.

Hyperbolizing again. You can target the 460 gear and it’s not out of realm of hard to get. I guarantee there’s not a “400% dps difference” in the gear. So titan residium = currency = badges. Having to explain that to you
 c’mon now. Stop being obtuse.

It’s just getting sadder and sadder