Everyone is saying "My server is dead/unplayable" while PvE servers keep getting better!

The SS vs. TM fights have been amazing all day. People can still quest while the 60s duke it out, mostly. More Horde have been rolling PvE and having a great time choosing when they want to engage in PvP. I’m quite excited that more people are starting to see the light.

PvP servers have their own arrogance to blame for their demise. This is what unbridled bloodlust leads to - faction imbalance, complaining, frustration, and more.


Our lord and savior Haseo. Thank you for preaching the good word. Common sense.

Many pve servers have the opposite problem though, too many alliance

Pagle I is like 80/20 alliance favor

SS/TM fights were the best during vanilla on PVE servers. Sadly when BGs get released it will end for the most part.