Everyone is leaving i feel like

Does anyone feel the same. This isn’t a complaint about shadowlands its just i feel like people are burned out with wow. A lot of my guildmates have left.


dead game, as it should be. No one should have to play a game where the developers have no care in the world what happens to it.


I was going to transfer to our sister guild on another server but was told to wait. I guess none of the others have returned for 9.1. Looks like I’ll pick it up again in 10.0.


My guild had around 25 people at the start of SL and as of writing this only 2 of us log on more than a few times a week, and another 1 logs in less than that. Everyone else has quit and isn’t coming back for 9.1. All of them have moved onto other games and refuse to come back to WoW in it’s current state with all the issues it has.


Yep, I have a high tolerance and still find myself searching for another game I can sink my teeth into.

A few weeks into 9.1 and it’s already starting to feel routine and chore-ish. At times I’ll log in, realize all the chores I have to do and log out to play something that’s actually fun rather than try to stay in par with other chore-ists.


Many of us are on classic side and won’t come back till things go back to normal or changed in a better way.


No one is burnt out, game is no good


Game is just dull and repetitive. Every patch is a fresh reset that invalidates what you did the previous patch and repeat.

Ontop of that, alot of places worldwide are easing COVID restrictions, it’s summer and people just don’t want to game as much.


I just came back after two leagues of Path of Exile.

I bounce back and forth between to the two games.

Most of the time, when I read GD, it seems like it’s full of people that eat every crumb of the meal and then go demand a refund because they say the food was bad.


Maybe MMORPGS are dying, is there really any story that hasn’t already been told? We kill stuff and take their loot, and we do it again tomorrow… How long can it go on for?


Servers been lagging heavy in the Maw and Revendreth with the new week starting, idk… and maybe if there were less people playing I would have been able to snag a Grimoire before they got sold out

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wouldn’t say I’m burnt out on wow, it is more that I’m burnt out on the bloated system design, the ways they’ve changed progression, the amount of forced long pve grinds to pvp, and the absolutely disposal of any kind of fairplay gearing system in pvp


I’m constantly reminded of Twitter when I read posts here. :wink:

Some forum posters just like to hear themselves talk and feel they are smarter then everyone else… I wonder if anyone has ever just quit, and not have to explain why to everyone.

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I hope, for your sake, that you’re right, but speaking for myself, there is no 10.0. I’ve been hoping for 10 years that the Blizzard dev team would see the error of their ways and change course, but they’ve given every indication of doing the opposite, veering further and further away from the game that I fell in love with back at the end of TBC. I have a week of time left before I leave for good. I’ve taken breaks before, but I always acknowledged them as such, thinking that I would return to the game someday. This time I genuinely have no interest whatsoever in coming back.


It seems those who enjoyed WoW pre-9.1 are still playing, but those who were thinking of quitting decided to shortly after 9.1 dropped.


If it was typical burn out as usual, why is it coming only like a month after a new content patch was released? It’s either the fastest new content burn out we’ve ever seen in WoW (which is really bad), or the game is just not good anymore and people are looking elsewhere (which is also really bad).

I’m sorry OP but IMO it’s the second one. I don’t think I’ve ever seen people so dissatisfied with this game to the point of leaving right after a new content patch came out. People would at least stick around for longer than a month to complete all the content, but I think they’re just fed up with the overall design in Shadowlands and beyond at this point, a content patch isn’t gonna fix that.


I feel the same, just felt like a chore when ever i logged in. I miss the few people left in my guild but the game, to me, I stress, to me, is just not fun like it used to be.

I don’t know about everyone, but some are. Bandwagoners are going to FF, some will like it, some will think it’s trash. Some are burnt out. Some feel like the devs aren’t listening (though, point at a single expansion where there wasn’t a group that didn’t think that, though admittedly, these 2 expansions in a row it seems it may be true). I honestly play out of habit, and when I no longer have fun in game, I go play some single player games or sometimes a multiplayer that grabs my attention, but I don’t make a big show of my exit, because I will be back lol.

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