Everyone is getting suspended and silenced for everything

Its you people that make automated squelching a requirement.

naw people are abusing it and the collusion with the GMs is bad. They’re outright just ignoring tickets and not doing their job. IDK weather its some sort of Woke liberal protest but they’re currently not doing their jobs and need to go honestly its been long enough. And other people would literally love to do their job AND THEYD ACTUALLY DO IT

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I literally stood semi afk in Archerus setting up my UI for the first time today and got several reports for saying nothing

the irony of this thread is, i have a wide variety of very edgy alts names, and say an awful lot of edgy things, yet i havent been banned in 2 years, last time i got a server mute was for saying “covid is a h o a x” for the lols in /lfg, 7 day mute, instantly too. “you had multiple reports of abusive speech” was the excuse in the email but we all know thats not quite what it was, the timing was ridiculously quick, only a bot system auto-muting anyone saying key sentences about covid would get caught like i did.

almost every time i defend in AB i get afk reported… the inactive status is so quick i cant get in combat in time… then if i complain (tell people to stop reporting defenders) they just tell me i shouldnt be afk but then they will yell at you all BG for not defending nodes… i dont get it…

similar experience with covid stuff. Try that now…you literally get a ban.

Sadly in countries that blizzard operates in, thats the law. Spreading misinformation about covid can be considered a crime. Thats why.

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i honestly think we need to take the power from their hands. No apology is gonna be enough from them for this just unwillingness to do their job

and this here is why I no longer defend, cant play the game to win anymore… winning is leaving there with some honor and no false reports now a days

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ew, truth ministries policing thoughts huh, yikes. What an awful world we live in.

day 8 of no read, and the ticket is still showing not read

starting to loose faith with these week long wait for tickets :frowning:

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Unless you are getting a lot of reports in a short amount of time, you’re fine.
Don’t be a nuisance and don’t be a streamer (lol)
That being said an auto-report system is totally abuseable and it is so dumb that games have it.

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if you look in the Customer Support forums theres alot of Gmods and theyre just not doing anything i even asked them in that Forum to help theyre willyfully ignoring



I went off on someone in AV the other day because they were spam sharing a chicken feed quest for 10 mins straight and i got suspended for 10 days.

What I said was definitely out of line, but my god it’s so frustrating loading into every AV and getting spam quest shared over and over again while trying to play, and these people get away with it, see no punishment, and continue to tilt other players.

I got a week long mute because I told other people that you can make 3g off vendoring netherweave bandages rather than selling to people for 2.5g. The ones taking advantage of people didn’t like that so they all reported me. They literally said that they would in chat, then I got kicked offline and muted for a week. I couldn’t even invite my own alt to groups or be invited by anyone. It’s pathetic.

They really should fire whatever team implemented this trash system.


What did you say to them when they said they would report you? Give us the whole story now. What email did blizzard send you with the reason for the squelch?

Should have reported them for spam. ignored participants cant share quests. You overstepped your boundaries.

thats because mods have no access to tickets, you can’t dispute account penalties on forums. just wait.