Everyone in R14

Stick with cinema français and concerns about whether someone’s dog bites.

I like romcoms and happy endings.

Lol wut.

Some of the gear isn’t even good for certain specs.

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There isn’t anything to break to me. There are people who accept shades of grey and people who accept only white and black. I’ve accepted the shades of this the entire time. I’m not the one who can’t see the good and the bad or who refuses to care about exceptions.

The way I see it Blizzard is interesting in catering to the people who care about themselves > everyone else and most of what they change is related to catering to the worst people in the player base, those who ruin what makes MMOs good. That’s how I see it and lots of people play Era because they don’t like something about the direction the game has gone. I’m not going to sit here and say that catering to Retail minded players who do not care about things like server community and only care about petty things like gear and parses a good call.

Yes, I can deal with the PVP change. I’ve been trying to be nice about it mostly. Here my first post said that I don’t think the gear will matter and just that I have a pet peeve about a stereotype that hopefully will stop being repeated soon enough when people move onto the next thing.

I’ll still continue to call out the people who play only for themselves and hate community. Since 2004 server community has been a massive reason I play and without that, I won’t, and no I’m not leaving these forums and will do what I want here unless that really is destroyed here too. Hopefully the game design stops that from happening completely.

Once we get past this and move onto people hating on the premade part of the PVP community I’ll reply to those threads. I’ve always been about the same thing the entire time, caring about things like server community.

Way to see that shade of grey.

Likewise, people can stop getting offended by the label. Blizzard called it bracket fixing so it’s not like its some baseless insult. Obviously it wasnt a positive thing for bg pvp so its not unfair to assign it a negative connotation.

If someone had a different pug or premade experience then it obviously doesn’t apply to them. No one is saying generous and loving. mutual admiration courtesy and respect. friendship driven pvp communities helping each other out purely for the sake of helping others somehow caused all the other premades to go fully deranged and toxic. If you played in the jesus version of a classic wow premade, good for you.

I mean, there’s no nice way to say it. that’s the wrong way to look at it not too mention ironic as all get out. The change is being made because people bent pvp to cater to the only people they cared about - themselves.

Again, this change is being made for the following reasons:

The top 3 out of 4 all refer to player activities and that doesnt include RMT. If you wanna go the denial route, im not gonna stop you.

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What pre raid set > R13/14? The majority of those PvP pieces dominate any pre raid option, even the blue PvP ones.

Rogue’s Darkmantle is a forever BiS option. It’s 4p set bonus is always within striking distance of topping charts, admittedly RNG-based.

That is one class I can think of as well. Most other DPS classes I would imagine benefit more from the raw stats.

Well r14~=bwl stuff. So for some classes like warriors especially, but also rogues as they heavily rely on weapons for damage it will be great. r14 will have no problem gear wise going into bwl, aq40, and naxx probably. But it isn’t better than some slots not covered by ranking and some aq40 weapons are better. And the stuff from naxx is definitely better with kt weapons being 72dps 1h plus stats, and r14 being 59dps plus stats.

So no all it will do is make naxx more viable for those wanting in, make pvp more fair long term, and finally provide a floor which is lower than aq40 gear and about on par with bwl stuff. Generally people will follow a path of least resistance, but since people would find it easier than only using pvp for gear it won’t negatively impact era like it did som1.

So do you think players will still be doing pre bis farms as much, or will that content be phased out some?

Well there are some slots not covered by r14, and pvp grind. One ring, both trinkets, belt, neck, and bracers. But as people follow the path of least resistance when gearing and gaming the system for rng free gear is something people do enjoy I would say if running emp for hoj and having everyone in bwl level gear for most slots just means returning players can hit the ground running.

I think they will. It is going to take a bit of time to rank and you can get all or most of the pre-raid BiS leveling in the 50s pre-60. People are also going to be hitting Ony and MC to gear for PVP during the ranking. You still want strong weapons pre-R14, Bonereaver’s Edge for example.

Pve kids losing their minds now that they can’t ravage the open world 1 shotting everyone.

Time for a new classic

I dunno, if they go with the lower number they were testing on the ptr it would be several weeks of playing like 3 hours a day to get rank 14 wouldn’t it? I can’t see most people wanting to do that exclusively instead of farming bwl or dungeons. If they went with the higher number it would be like 40 hours a week which I don’t think would become expected in anything but the sweatiest raids. That’s just too much of a time commitment to expect most people to do. Even the lower number is like 25 hours a week. Unsustainable for weeks straight for people with jobs or actual lives.

Dude that’s the point of gdkp.

Nobody gives a f what your gear is as long as you got visa MasterCard or Amex by your side.

Also it’s wow classic lol. If you need r14 to down mc you got bigger issues

THANK YOU. It’s huge to have someone out there like you. Everything you have been kind to me about and have liked really means A LOT.

I’ve acknowledged from the start that people like this change and I’ve acknowledged from the start that some people have had bad experiences on their servers. I even told the OP the gear won’t matter.

Do you know what a lot of people haven’t acknowledged at all? That not every experience was bad. It reminds me of the people who hate LC and say that it is always corrupt because of what happened to them.

I don’t understand why I can’t mention a pet peeve without being poked even more. On another thread on another forum, I had somebody absolutely putting me on blast for how I treat my family etc because I ranked and liked the PVP community. Few people came to my defense there. It sucks to feel alone but at the same time, I’m not going to be intimidated from sharing my opinions when I want to. Instead, it makes me want to fight harder.

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Does everyone do GDKPs?

Yes actually

So you understand when I say it devalues things in raids.

Do you think Deathbringer will sell for more or less in a few weeks? Understand it now?