Everyone’s Problem With Undead Elf Skins

You’ve been told NUMEROUS times now that you can Roleplay whatever you want, just no one here is obligated to recognize it because it’s not official lore.

How y’all still don’t get that is amazing. Do you not understand what forum your posting in?

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Micah has not, at any point, said that you shouldn’t be able to have the customization option on other classes.

What we have both stated, repeatedly, is that as far as official canon is concerned, the Elves that joined the Alliance after Calia and the Forsaken reclaimed the upper levels of the Undercity are Dark Rangers, aka hunters.

Hence why the customization options official name is ‘Dark Ranger Elf’ customization, and not ‘Darkfallen’ customization options or anything else.

That doesn’t stop you from roleplaying whatever you want to roleplay. In fact, both of us have clearly stated here that you’re free to RP what you want. Neither of us are going to get uppity that you decide to RP a Darkfallen Priest or Warrior. All we’re saying is that as far as official canon is concerned, all the Darkfallen that joined the Alliance are Dark Rangers.

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Yeah, my only problem is that the Forsaken did not get some cosmetics. They should have gotten something. The Undead Elf stuff is fine - I probably would never use it unless I wanted to RP as Sira all cray all day. So it is neither here nor there, to me.

My issue is that the actual Forsaken should have gotten some cosmetics.

Nathanos, Calia, and Derek have some non Elven cosmetic styles that would look good on Forsaken.


Everytime I see Callia I think that I’m flash tripping back to Karazhan.

I certainly would like more customization options but I’m not really demanding a human model. I like how the undead PC model is fairly monstrous even when otherwise intact. What with the claws and glowing eyes. Always loved how their hand to hand animation was somewhat feral with them low to the ground and slashing. What precisely they are is never explored but they always struck me as like next gen ghouls.

Personally I’d just want more hairstyles, another posture option and ya know beards and that stuff like a brain in the jar that never made it to live would be great.

I don’t know if Blizzard has spoken on the issue but I will point out they are perfectly capable of restricting skins to specific classes. This is done for Death Knight.

Canonically it seems pretty clear it’s intended for hunters, but given how loose Blizz controls their quest writers, I wouldn’t be surprised to see one pop up that’s a druid or something eventually.

If the Forgotten Realms can incorporate Undead Druids and Paladins, I’m sure we can as well.

I mean, probably. They’re both kitchen sink settings that have no coherence and it’s a contest which one is wackier.

If that was the case then the quest line that awards the customization would have been hunters only.

That is a valid and defensible position, but I found Carhagen’s argument to be considerably more convincing. Nevertheless, I did want to bring up the Death Knight item in support of your point since I don’t think anyone else brought it up.

There’s also a Paladin tabard transmog that’s Blood Elf only.

I’ve been told, though I haven’t seen the screenshot yet, that there’s a Void Elf NPC next expansion with the Dark Ranger skin. Idk what class they are.

My main question is where the hell did they all come from? This entire game is nothing but elves being maudlin about how they are this put upon dying breed from a bygone halcyon age.

But then there’s just entire standing armies worth of the bastards anytime they come up.

Until I’m proven wrong my headcanon is they reproduce in massive egg clutches like sun fish. Yeah the Sylvanas book suggests otherwise but that whole story is rife with unreliable narrator energy.

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Can confirm, there’s a rather unusually casual undead void elf hanging about near a spa in Thaldraszsus.


Probably would’ve been better if they just made it a “class-glyph” style thing, where Hunters could choose to be “Dark Rangers” and have their abilities (still the same) colored/themed to be a Dark Ranger.

Maybe even just the base Hunter abilities so if someone is a “Beastmaster Dark Ranger” Blizzard doesn’t have to create Dark Ranger variants of their abilities.

Just personal opinion though.

//It would also open the door to other things - like Priest-class of Elune/An’she, uhh … I’m sure other things too

Oh hey there, Portergauge. I’ve been linking tons of your tweets in the beta thread, if you don’t mind. I remember seeing that NPC, and I forgot about it. Thanks!

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Personally I think it should’ve been a class skin for undead hunters. Just replace cannibalize with a more soul draining spell effect and make their ghost form a banshee.

But that wouldvd been a lot more work and I’m not even sure how feasible that’d be. So we got what we got. Personally I’m just midfed the Forsaken didn’t get anything. Bit weird to have a storyline all about them and then the Sin’Dorei get new customizations. Which feels particularly annoying as they just got a whole second heritage quest and class specific mog armor of their own. While 3/4ths of the OG Horde still don’t even have one.

There is no problem with undead elf skins. It is just obvious that you have alliance bias.


There are more Alliance races who can use the skin than there are Horde races who can use it.