Every post you see about Delves being problematic were reported by myself and thousands of others on the beta

Its frustrating hearing from the abusive ex blizzard that they will listen more, communicate clearly, and say they want to be better. Yet time and time again, show they aren’t doing any of those things. We tested this stuff, we told them it wasn’t properly scaled or balanced. They didn’t give a crap about M+ feedback, class hero talent feedback, or delve feedback. This was all reported months ago. None of this happening now is new.


blizz always likes to learn the hard way for whatever reason

Beta is to test the systems.

They need the population to be playing to dial in the numbers tight, so they don’t accidently allow us to have fun.



I just don’t understand. Expansion had a strong EA and day one reception. Then they nerfed leveling and tuned scaling. And then it just feels like it’s been snowballing since.

Why with all the changes? Were there really that many complaints? If anything I was seeing a lot of positive feedback early on, but now it’s just one unpopular move after another.


Senate hearings in the US are slated for tomorrow

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Lets call cyber police while we are at it

The game was not ready for release, but they go live anyway and feel they can patch the game to bring it up to par. They’ve done this for some time now.

The massive list of major class changes coming highlights that point.

Leadership not managing their teams to do the job in a timely manner, then it’s hammer time and the dev’s are in grind mode trying to fix everything.

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They are going to hotfix them again today, new blue post about it

People need to understand that almost the entire Blizzard staff has had massive turnover the last few years. Very few people are around anymore who made the game.

And the people there now are addicted to twitter, and design to twitter.

One tweet about something from somebody they follow? Immediate changes.

Doesn’t matter what the customers think. All that matters is what people say about them on twitter.

Thousands of thanks and gratitude. Too bad you didn’t also have a theme song. Katy Perry could put a QR code for you

I think it’s pretty hard to argue with the fact that delve progression was much faster than intended. I don’t think their response was good, and I think they need to continue to embrace that there’s a lot of content in the game such that making it more convenient for us does not risk a real loss of sub retention.

This does not make any sense as a response to this topic. Twitter does not have a large and visible population of posters that were complaining about delves, quite the opposite. This reads more like you’re putting an axe to grind you have about something else where it doesn’t belong.

I saw a widely posted tweet from 1 guy talking about it.

That’s ALL it takes.

im reporting you for reporting people that are using the forum as intended.

take that!

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