Everlasting Horn of Lavaswimming

Yes,this well help on getting the snail mount if and only if you can get it.

I still don’t get why this isn’t a drop chance off Inferna the Bound. At least this would force people to participate. Make it a 2-3% drop chance or something instead of something you can AFK through with a .1% drop chance.

They should change how this toy is acquired. It’s just a design fail all around and an outlier compared to how most collectibles are attained.

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It really is an absurd design-fail outlier. Not sure if Blizzard will pay any attention though. I know they changed the drop rate of that mount drop recently in Zaralek caverns that was also an absurd outlier, but mount drops just get way more attention than toy drops.


They only reacted to Cobalt Shalewing drop rate after people posted about it on the community council forums. If someone could make a post about this toy there it would help, I think.

Would greatly appreciate any visibility on this topic.

Yeah it was this thread. Maybe tagging that OP will get some help here.

There was an older thread about the Everlasting Horn of Lavaswimming it looks like from a search: Everlast Horn of Lavaswimming - #10 by Mirasol-mannoroth

The community council person there got it without even knowing what it was, so doubt they’ll make their own thread in the community council forum sadly. They mention a higher chance being reported on wowhead on the first drop of the week, but with the time that’s passed and the additional comments now on wowhead, I now believe those wowhead comments were just anecdotal moments of luck and not indicative of how the drop rate really works. Just a few people who happened to get lucky on their first attempts in the week and posted about it.

If there was a boosted chance for the first in the week, it’d be pretty crazy that I’ve gotten something like 200 attempts in on “first tries of the week” across alts and still don’t have it, and I think many others are in the same camp. It seems to be just an incredibly tiny chance regardless of which attempt you’re on in the week. Though there was theorizing about whether there might be some “daily” lockout per character, I kind of doubt that’s the case too (though no one’s reported getting it on a character on later attempts on the same day of that character - I think partly it’s just that people get spooked so until they know for sure, they’ll not repeat attempts on the same alt if they have an alt who hasn’t attempted that day).

The thing that’s slightly more irritating about the current situation is that sitting in the background is the knowledge that if you DON’T get this thing during Dragonflight, even the pitifully tiny chance at getting it now will drop several orders of magnitude because of severe lack of participation minimizing the number of sieges that get complete, requiring more active participation rather than afk’ing and switching (which still takes time due to the need to monitor for quick alts switching) and there will be fewer server shards in general.

Until the launch of 10.1, I was doing it on my main as many times a week as I could, because wowhead posts confirmed that it would drop on the second siege of the week.

After reading posts on wowhead, in 10.1 I started doing weekly sieges on each alt, mostly because I figured it couldn’t hurt to do them on other chars on the off chance that the first siege WAS a higher chance.

On one of my alts this week, at the 4am siege on Wednesday morning, I was alone on a 385 primalist geared alt. It took me 35 minutes to clear up until the only thing left was Scalepiercer > Grand Flame > Inferna. I begged in general chat until someone took pity and helped me kill the last three elites that I couldn’t solo. The siege finished at 2:42

Forty. Two. Minutes.

And this is already just one patch into Dragonflight. I realize it was 4am. But I was alone. I’m just so demoralized.


Sometimes the game dumps you into a shard with 0 people in the zone. It’s really weird. I’ve had it happen a couple times on my alts.

if it has not been fixed there is a small area where you don’t get damage

I just got mine two weeks ago…for sure a very lousy drop rate on it…and can’t use it down in the Cavern either…

It is pretty strange. My main is on Area52, where the event tends to complete at a fairly good pace on a fairly consistent basis, around 90% of the time. Afterwards I log over to an alt on Deathwing, which is on a connected realm with a few other servers. The Deathwing side is a little slower about half the time than Area 52, about 20% of the time it’s got a lot of people and goes even faster, and about 30% of the time it seems to never get off the ground at all because no one shows up.

At first I thought maybe the inconsistency was because sometimes people might be forming groups for it on that server, but the group finder won’t have anything on the same shard when it’s going fast on Deathwing when I check.

I assume that the medium and low population servers just get knocked around and sharded every which way, so it’s just really inconsistent, while the high and full pop servers don’t switch their sharding. Or, who knows, maybe it varies from player to player regardless of realm. I don’t really know how things work anymore honestly, just that my Area52 characters get more reliability.

That said, i’ve seen the Area52 events get abandoned too for lack of participation. Though that was very late at night.

Know the feeling at that time there is hardly anyone on the server.So I just don’t do them at night on this character but my tanks i switch to.

I’m late to this thread! I saw the notice one of my other threads had been linked just now.

Now on topic: I agree that a lot of the original content that was introduced at the start of the expac has now seen a drastic reduction in participants. I myself still struggle to obtain some things from The Grand Hunts and of course that blasted toy that this topic is about.

Something needs to be done to breathe life back into this content or offer alternative sources for these toys/items. I know they TRIED to give life back to Grand Hunt and the Siege by offering Shadowflame Residue Sacks but that is not enough, as we’ve seen, to tempt players back into doing this content.

There is also the topic of smaller servers not being able to do this content at all. If this content is going to be left to rot then it needs to be made soloable in a good amount of time and not take over 30 minutes for a sub 70 to complete all the tasks.


Personally, I gave up on trying to get the toy, and decided that the mount wasn’t worth the trouble.

As a note, for the mount, if you bring a pocket healer they can keep you alive while you loot even if you don’t have any self-shielding or self-healing. I was able to dual-box this with my level 60 Priest and my level 70 Rogue, you just have to be careful with the positioning to not go out of range.

I was also super disappointed to see that the toy only makes you immune to lava in outdoor Dragon Isles zones - and the Zaralek Caverns apparently don’t count as this.

Reduction in participation is a problem, but even when it slows things down a lot and an expansion moves on, you can typically find people to still get things done. It just kills the ability to do things like server hop and leverage your alts to get a good number of attempts in. I’ve been down that road before in obtaining things from prior expansions, that normally it doesn’t really bother me that much.

Eventually everything gets to a point where you’ll be able to go back and 1-shot everything that’s combat oriented, and the annoying thing will be the non-combat tasks (like running around to pick up items around an area of the map). The siege, being mostly combat driven, won’t be that horrible to get done when we out-level the content, but the number of attempts we can get in per event will drop a lot.

Of course, I do think Blizzard should try to adjust these events for when they get fewer people participating, but the core problem here, and what makes this thing worth raising as a complaint to me, is just the pure, extreme low-RNG tuning. Items from events like should not be tuned around something like 0.2% drop rates, which is where this thing looks to be. It should’ve been a 2 or 3% drop rate. They fixed it for the mount that drops in Zaralek, they ought to fix it for this.

I 100% agree here. Like the thread that had linked me here; I am also frustrated with the obscene drop rate on things. I had made another thread here: Making Rare Farming More Accesible touches up on the length of respawn for certain rare spawns ontop of their already low drop rates of items such as toys, scripts, and mounts.

While that initial post mainly talks about respawn rates of rares dotted around the islands, it does touch up on drop rates in later posts. I really do not care for how they’re treating rares/the things they drop this expansion. I would have probably pulled all my hair out and quit from camping rares for drakewatch scripts if it wasn’t thanks to one of my good friends who has a large number of 60+ characters spanning across several servers. I’m thankfully down to a single drakewatch script remaining from rare drops (aside from Suffusion Camps) and it happens to drop off the Corrupted Proto-Drake which has a very nice respawn of 3-5 minutes. This is how rares should work. 3-5 minute respawn with their daily loot lock out.


I didnt know this toy was so rare I got it almost the beginning of xpac. Don’t even use it hah

I do not mind low rates on rare items that I have to continue farming well into an expac.

I take issue when the sources of those rare items are events that take me 45 minutes to solo on my alt and only occur every 2 hours. It’s just horrific. I think we’re all on the same page on that, lol.