Ever thought that Massive Multiplayer destroys Gaming?

I find FFXIV about as much fun as watching paint dry. I got to 60 as a summoner literally without talking to a single person and half the “instances” I ran, I just auto followed the tank with my pet set to heal him on the rare instances he took damage. I dont understand how people talk so highly of that game as an MMO.

I’ll give you that it did have a more cohesive story than Wow though

I 100% agree with every word you stated!

This is the major reason why most players that don’t multibox don’t want multiboxers in the MMORPG they play. It’s competition! The ones that don’t do it feel that if there weren’t any multiboxers around that the friends they play with will have a better chance to win. When in reality they run into a multiboxer so few times that it doesn’t really matter. It’s a psychological issue that if the person that doesn’t multibox makes up some invalid statements against multiboxers that maybe the company will stop allowing them. Or perhaps place restrictions on them so fewer forms of competition are out in the game world.

With less competition you have fewer players not a better game.

I’m glad that some of the player base as you recognize these things instead of making up invalid statements against some play styles.

The reason we don’t want multiboxers is because multiboxing is cheating.

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I’ll state it again for you because you missed the key point:
“making up invalid statements against some play styles.” :slight_smile:

Being too aggressive in world PVP is a play style.
Farming more than questing is a play style.

Paying and playing 5 accounts at the same time using special software that automates and simulates keystrokes by multiplying 1 keystroke to multiple keystrokes in order to advance faster, is not a play style.

They don’t advance faster, each character needs exactly the same amount of EXP to level as any other character.

Each character is being helped by 4 others, so each character advances 4 times faster.
Why do you multiboxers display such childish denial about obvious things?

If you group up with someone else do you level twice as fast?

Now, if you don’t understand the difference between grouping with real other players and grouping with your own 5 accounts at any time you choose to do it, I can’t make you understand it.

/shrug if you think you level twice as fast by grouping with someone else you just don’t understand WoW.

Your point makes sense. A lot of this silliness happens in this game. The actions of streamers, the actions of raid leaders change “the game” for some players. Then those players ask Blizzard to fix it.

Other players are a big part of the MMO experience, and many “game problems” are really “other player” problems.

The debate has been going on for 20+ years. Yes, it is really really old. Many players agree with you. Many others disagree. The bottom line is this is Blizzard’s game. Their game. Their rules. Not your game.

But if you just want to argue, this is the place. Player forums are for player arguments.

Personally, I just rely on the 14,000-year-old words of the great goddess C’thulu’mango, who said “ix-nay on the ultiboxing-may”. Of course, that is subject to interpretation…

It’s pretty safe to say that only multiboxers don’t have a problem with multiboxing.

You are accusing every person who disagrees with you of being disingenuous – of having an “opinion” based on self-interest. That is pure nonsense, that you made up as an argument.

I’ve never multiboxed. I have no interest in ever doing it. I have no problem with multiboxing. So the 1 person I know well disproves your claim.

I’m confused, if you think such a thing then why are you on an MMO? It would be difficult to turn WoW into something like skyrim probably and maybe not cost efficient.