[Event][RP] Improv Night - "Who's Line Is It Anyways?"

Improv Night - "Whose Line Is It Anyways?"

Some posters and fliers can be seen placed around different tavern boards, as well as at a variety regular haunts and places of relaxation:

“Attention all! The next Bardic Bar Hop, hosted by the Bards of the Lion, is on for tomorrow’s eve at 5. A time of laughter is to be expected and audience participation encouraged as performers improvise various acts for your entertainment!”

Below, more information about the location can be found, as well as an invitation for the audience to visit the Drunken Hozen in Dawn’s Blossom after the entertainment for continued enjoyment.

Event Information:

  • Realm: Cenarion Circle - Sisters of Elune
  • Date / Time: 5/9/20, 5:00 PM PDT
  • Location: Mistfall Village, Vale of Eternal Blossoms, Pandaria
    • NOTE: If you have participated in 8.3 content on your toon, please talk with one of the Bronze Flight dragons to go back in time! This way, both low and high leveled toons can enjoy the event!
  • Contacts:
    • Cerulana-CenarionCircle(Organizer)
    • Adlanna-SistersofElune (Helper)

This event is cross-realm and cross-faction friendly!
If your toon is from another realm or is lower than level 80, please reach out to one of the contacts above near the time of the event so we can help make sure you can attend!

This isn’t the only thing going on!
After the improv session ends, there is a weekly RP Lounge night that is hosted by CC-SoE guild AAMS at the Drunken Hozen in Dawn’s Blossom, Jade Forest. It starts at 7:00 PM PDT.

  • More information about this and other events hosted on CC-SoE can be found on the official CC-SoE forum post " [[RP]CCSOE EVENT LIST WIKI".



It was a pretty great event, looking forward to the next time!

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