Even the pvp forums are dead

damn… 10 char


Its dead cause everyones having fun in the discord lmao

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Yes very true.

what is the discord like

Everyone here but insane

But its awesome :+1:

Discord? heh? There is an official WoW discord? Rofl. Did not think they were keeping up with the times.

Official? Yea by me (formerly amatox)

Vis has a link he just gotta bump hiz thread

damn even forum communication is getting superceded by third parties in wow now


the discord is just the same people on the forums but worse, their form of entertainment is blowing 90 bucks on a garbage mount and spamming the chat for days on end about it

gotta be a true gamer to handle it


Everyone interesting gets banned here. All we’re left with are Krispyflayz posts and Swole arguing with people.


the pvp forums are dead if you ask actual pvp questions. if you wanna whinge about how turrbl the game is, those posts get traction. have gotten traction for as long as the forums have been around, too. lol.

death, taxes, and wow pvpers complaining about how terrible the game is.

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I feel like it’s the opposite. Anyone that needs help gets it. if you find any topics started by someone asking for help and not getting it please bump them.


Well, it is the holidays. :christmas_tree:

missing the trinity of fatnose, broxikor and arthis rn

It was good when Flux could come in and call people the r-word when it was warranted. I haven’t seen Notorious post any s-tier gifs in months he’s prob banned. Remi used to care enough to lay into people but I guess he cba anymore. Many more I am sure I’m forgetting. The passion is gone and only Nas and Kennie still have permissions to post links. Dark times :expressionless:

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it’s basically just a dabdaddy echo chamber.

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i posted a question a few days ago and it go zero responses, can’t bump my own thread though.

but if you look at most of the topics with the most replies, they are all ragebaits

I replied and bumped it. maybe it was at an odd hour or buried by Krispyflayz troll threads.

The most replies yeah. Generally with questions they will get answered and the thread will die.

literally 1964 :pensive:

that’s a good point, fair enough.