Even the addon can't solve it

Gotta love when they create puzzles that even the addon can’t solve. :slight_smile: :+1:

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Which puzzle was it? I got an addon for the mezzonic ones, they aren’t too hard but one wrong click and they’re a pain.

HOWEVER I have had the puzzle window severely clip with some object near it, obscuring 1/3 of the puzzle :smiley:

I have gotten that error from time to time, typically it is solves enough of it for me to do the rest by hand.

The puzzle with the shapes and lines and symbols. I tried it on my own, triple checked the addon inputs and nope, it was unsolvable. lol

I just reset it and did it again. But that was hilarious. Not the first time I’ve seen that happen with that puzzle.

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I had to have my 14 year old son help me solve the one where you make all the squares go away when I ran into the intro to the puzzles. :joy: omg

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Yeah, usually on that one it tells me it can’t solve it but the funny part is it actually does. It correctly color codes two of the three groups :slight_smile:

I can solve it. The puzzles are awesome.

I’ve never done a puzzle that can’t be solved.

Brain > Addon

The puzzles are not difficult.

I never said they were difficult. I said I got one that was literally unsolvable and it was amusing. There’s a difference.

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They aren’t unsolvable. The addon just isn’t perfect.

sometimes I look at the one with the different shapes and symbols, and figure it out right away

other times I look at it for 5 years and never get it.

I very much dislike that one.


Every rare once in a while, they are. It’s called a “bug.” They happen.

The shapes one is basically the only one I use it on, just too much effort for me to figure it out myself :man_shrugging:

Yeah, they happen in addons too. I’ve been going ballistic in ZM for over a month. Never found a puzzle I couldn’t solve. I’d put my money on the fault being with the addon rather than the game.

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Unless it gives you an unsolvable puzzle. In late BfA, we had some similar puzzles, like the Bejeweled matching puzzles, that legitimately could not be solved. They had to adjust their mini-game code to compensate, so they might need to do it again.




When neither myself, my husband, nor the addon can solve it, I’d call that a bug. I’m not the only one who has mentioned it before. Just because it hasn’t happened to you, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Stuff happens, just be amused by it and stop taking things so seriously. It’s supposed to be a funny thread. :wink:

Exactly this!

The puzzles have been getting easier and faster for me since the patch launched.

Probably because I’ve been practicing and learning instead of cheating. :laughing: :wink:

The addon is always a last resort for me. Always has been. I’ve rarely had to use it. But when neither myself nor my husband— who is a savant at such things— could solve that one, I figured I’d just use the addon. To find it unsolvable. lol

It’s fine, I’m not really. Mostly just being a smug clever clogs about the puzzles. :+1:

Omg Thallia made a thread!