Even More Interviews That Went Under The Radar (And How)

Let’s be honest. Any move they make will likely cause a backlash of some kind. It just so happens that a redemption out of left field would probably cause the greatest one.

Thing you need to remember is, that they can aware of how weary players are over other AU Grom scenario, but that doesn’t mean they will ultimately adhere to it.

Again, all the lies spewed during BfA make their words even less comforting, because to believe them now is just inviting disappointment.

To add, it also comes off as just legal BS talk enough that it skirts being a straight up lie. Same thing with BfA, same thing you’ll find in a lot big game title lead ups these days; Just enough vagueness to let the hype run rampant, while still giving devs the ability to skirt most legal action because hey, they said it might be like how it was pictured.

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It was a terrible idea, for all the reasons Sarm mentioned, and I’m glad if they are really jettisoning it (not just postponing it).

And hey, I liked Delaryn too, but I wanted her to survive and be the leader of the NE resistance. Not the new-and-“improved” Sylvanas.

Well I didn’t want her to be the new Sylvanas that was just the parallel Blizzard gave us, but instead of doing anything with her they just threw her into the abyss and made her and the other Night Elves join the very people that slaughtered them. Make that make sense.

Imagine if Sylvanas and the Forsaken after getting free will were like, “You know, Arthas wasn’t so bad, let’s join up with him.”


You realize that Blizzard has a history of lying, right? Like, we have had threads about it here listing much of them.

The whole undead NE thing was a terrible, terrible, horrible idea from the start. They should never have written it to begin with, and I hope they throw it into the same dark closet where they keep Me’dan and never speak of it again.


ill just link pellex thread again, never gets old. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/i-feel-lied-to-post-bfa-version/596347


" She believes the Jailer has a better plan for the forces of life and death, though despite trying to win Anduin over to their cause, it’s strongly hinted that both she and Anduin were made into agents of the Jailer by force rather than choice."

I hate Blizzard, I can’t wait for my sub to end so I can never resub again. Get out of here with this bullcrap.

Blizzard really just wanted to make Sylvanas “metal and badass” by making her commit heinous acts, only to redeem her because LOL she’s our waifu so it wasn’t really her the whole time! She didn’t have a choice. Screw off Blizzard.

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Can I again point out the fact so many content creators that are blizzard-approved are Alliance and aggressivley so lololololol


Except the only ones that matter, the devs lol they are Horde favored. Or rather, I shouldn’t say favored, I think the devs truly enjoy writing the Horde more because they find them more “interesting” for whatever that’s worth. Alliance is always an afterthought to what Blizzard wants to do with the Horde story.

Anyways. Yeah that Oprah gif is about all we can say at this point. We all knew they were saving Sylvanas. God forbid their favorite pet have to suffer any consequences for her actions, same with Anduin.

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If by interesting you mean “badly handle trauma and turn abuse survivors into war criminals” and “implement racist tropes unironically” sure lol


That’s what I am saying. Blizzard’s idea of interesting is very strange. They feel they can write stories like that for the Horde because they are “metal” and cool. They can’t do that for the Alliance because they are the boring fantasy trope faction. Sadly for Horde players that means getting villain batted.

Sadly for Alliance that means we are perpetually just the reactionary victims.


Man i dont like these parallels, it reminds me of darth vader, hell, luke was blonde too hilarious.

LOL watch out guys she’s getting her tragic death with redemption and tearjerker all included.

The moment they thought they couldve write mop better was when the expansion died, just you wait for mop 3 when they decide it wont be the same since we repeated it step by step but its different because they dont have a warchief but a “head of the council”.

edit: i also think its a serious mistake including arthas in ANYTHING that has to do with newer content.

he should just get a passing mention but you guys saw he was dropped unfairly to the maw so i guess we will be saving him…

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I’m assuming they make it even more obnoxious by making her return to the Horde to feature her in even more cinematics. Potentially even have her start another faction war…

I’m getting major pre-emptive damage control vibes.


The night elves story will also be from now on allways about the genocide and sylvanas future story will also be allways about genocide? …Nice…sarcasm

At least the night elves potentially still have Azshara to focus on, whenever she gets reintroduced to the story.

I just read that as “Will do whatever the hell we like and you’ll praise it”


Press X to doubt. I doubt blizzard will make a redemption arc on the same level as Zuko and Catra.

I mean it makes sense given that Daddy D was an ally. Giving Zovaal his key was a sign of good faith.

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They got accused of doing that with Starcraft 1, where beta testers noticed that it was very similar with WC2 in both design and story. Hence the “warcraft in space” joke.