Even bots attend school

Try reading the post.

Why would you assume botters are using legitimate funds to purchase boosts?

Because botters have moved to more legitimate gold selling as well as crypto, both of which would be at risk if they were caught committing credit card fraud. They make more than enough from botting in a week to pay for the boost and account. The fact Blizz sells boosts means they can bot asap and start turning a profit, rather than “hacking accounts”(which is where the main concern was). That’s an old post from before the TBC boost sales. Try again. It doesn’t apply to the current gold selling economy(not that it even applied much before then either).



You really just said that gold sellers from China just all randomly decided to be more legitimate. That’s just really convenient for your argument, isn’t it?

Anyways, I’ll trust Vrakthris over you. I’ll trust the fact that none of these employees coming out with allegations against Blizzard have said a word about the company forcing their CS to lie about the botting situation. No reasonable person can come up with a reason why all these employees laying into Bobby Kotick and the company haven’t said a word about this.

It’s because Vrakthris and the other CS employees are telling the truth. Imagine how big a scandal it would be, just think a bit. This company just scheming and micromanaging their bot bans to min/max their revenue from cheaters and not a single former employee has come out with any allegations about it.

The number of conspiracy theorists in the WoW community is just bizarre.

Now you are assuming all gold sellers, or even the majority of gold sellers, are from China. You’ve proven yourself wrong again.


You’re sitting on the computer for 15 hours checking the whole time? And your conclusion is anyone else sitting on the computer that long is a bot?

Jesus you have a problem.

in certain days i can play alot of hours, but then i’m playing my character doing heroics, running raid, playing bg’s, progressing my char and a lot more in those 15hours “while i have all those bots tracked” and they have done nothing but running scholo for 15hours, So i must have iq of 10 to not think of them as bots if they are in scholo 24/7 in their green communal gear xD

if you think those mages online 24/7 in scholo for days/weeks aren’t bots then you are the one who have problem.

how the hell some people aren’t even aware of facts in wow’s history, is that CS guy new? or maybe he’s telling lies…

anyone who have been here during 2011~2015 know about “Honorbuddy” that bot was used by millions of players, it was a super insane bot that can get you 2k in arena while you’re sleep, it could do all your rotation in retail raids perfectly for best dps, it was used for everything including spam dungeons/gold farm/ any type of farm, and blizzard spent years on fighting legal war against bossland the makers of that bot "honorbuddy till they won that lawsuit.

but back then and for years i had more than 30friend from my battletag freinds using that bot they used it to level their +40 alts, why do you think that suddenly everyone in retail during cata/mop having +50alt? because ofc tons of people used Honorbuddy for that, people in my friends list, people in my guild, there was a whole community at that bot maker site, millions registers and downloaded it, many people used it for whatever some people got massive amount of gold those people wasn’t all gold sellers, some botted for their own sake and some started to sell gold cus why not? it’s extra cash while i’m not even playing the game.

the era of hacked accounts / stolen CC for botting was only happening during original vanilla/tbc/wotlk, since cata and onward many gold sellers are just real players from any country with weak currency and alot of them using bots to gain real life income, those legit gold sellers are also trolling forums claiming that wow has no bots and no RMT.

that CS post is so damn lame.

They’re on these forums claiming that Blizzard doesn’t ban bots and the report system doesn’t work.

I can find old blue posts from Vrakthris dating back to March 2007. He’s been at Blizzard for over 15 years.

Dont waste your time, slavegirl. People buying and selling gold are going to defend it tooth and nail. If you really think you spot a violator, report them.

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