EU and NA forums


Why are the European and NA forums not merged, I see no reason why this hasn’t happened yet. I don’t think there are any downsides, the people who moderate the forums on the EU, will do so during nighttime for the NA, and Blizzard doesn’t have to post double.

I don’t think a lot of people on the EU know of the Community Council either, because we don’t have this section there.

This would also allow for the EU CMs to funnel feedback from the CC forums to the devs.


Because servers are not merged. I have no interest reading topics discussing anything about the NA servers.

I agree that European players might not know that there is a Community Council section of the forum. While there is a topic linking to the Community Council section on the General section, it may not be that visible to new players. My suggestion is to create a Community Council section on the European forums below the General section with only 1 topic inside linking to the NA Community Council section. This way it might allow more players to find it.

This seems a little… strange? Why would you read stuff about a server you’re not on in the first place?

The majority of the sections are purely WoW related and the fact is, is that NA gets more attention than EU does, they have more CMs and more Dev interactions.

The “I am not interested in reading X” is quite honestly a moot point simply for the fact that you don’t have to read anything you’re not interested in, noone will force you.

We’re all playing the same game, if we have to be split up in game due to technical reasons, fine, but we dont have to be when discussing the forum.