Ethereal playable race when?

They should’ve had mammary glands.
“B-b-but lizards don’t hav-”
Lizards don’t shoot fire and transform into elves IRL either.
“You just want them to gawk at”

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Just woke up and made a reply then realized you were talking about the dragons that are just badly designed not the etheral, so attempt 2.

No, the reason they’re non binary is because there’s nothing that seperates the two literally at all. Take argonian from elder scrolls and remove anything on the chest and both are easily discernible due to proportions. I’m an artist, I’ve had to study anatomy, there’s more to gender than what’s on someone’s chest and so trying to straw man it down to just that is belittling on your part.

Furthermore they ARE nonbinary by lore stand point.

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Wouldn’t be my top choice for new playable races, but it would certainly be more interesting and unique than yet another reskin that could’ve just as easily been a customization option.

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No they are not. They have two genders, male and female. Just like the rest of the races. Their dragon form just tends more like the dragons they were based off of and doesn’t really show it.

Don’t know what you are talking about here, either. They have more customisation than any of the other races between all the different horns, frills, colours, etc.


New Ethereal Models Datamined in The War Within Patch 11.1 - Wowhead News

seems they can wear armor

Adding playable Ethereals would be the most cynical move ever.

“Here’s an entire race that is nothing but shiny particle effects.”

Are we also going to add race that is nothing but a set of keys jingling?