It has been brought up before over the years, but seeing all the new models the team has come up with for Ethereals in the near future, I see so much potential.
Not only are the models great, but they wear gear well and I like the idea of various particle effects and intensities to delineate their ‘skin’/negative space between armor/bandages.
I would imagine they would be cross faction, have a bit reverb in their voices and would look really good in existing armor.
If you make it, I’ll play it!
Kinda shoehorning this idea in, but I like the idea of (instead of say an Ethereal race-only class) an Ethereal-only spec (I’m thinking mage).
Adding new specs or Heroic Specs instead of whole new classes (even if they aren’t specific to a specific race) would be an interesting avenue to explore.
Jus sayin.
They can’t be a race because there’d be no room for customization. You’re just a bandaged silhouette.
May I introduce you to the Dracthyr?
I hope they don’t become playable. It would entirely ruin them. Even these new forms kinda ruin them.
They can’t transmog anything, but the models themselves still have widely varied customization options.
Ethereals are the opposite. They’d be able to transmog just fine, but underneath every single one of them is just a featureless silhouette covered in tp.
Types of bandages, color of glowy, masculine or feminine silhouette, what more do you need?
Most of which is on their customizable armor. What exactly would stop ethereals from doing the same thing?
The ability to actually wear real armor.
Upon seeing the new models for em, i’d def roll one or two or three if they were made playable.
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Dracthyr can wear real armor. It just doesn’t show except for shoulders and belts
Again, what stops ethereals from doing the same thing?
Again, the ability to wear real armor.
You understood my statement, and nitpicking my word choice doesn’t make your stance magically right.
Dracthyr can do the same thing. Customizable clothing is a very effective way to provide customization to a race that otherwise is largely indistinguishable from each other. You aren’t very good at this are you?
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Ogres as a playable race?
yea no, i dont want shoulders mog only the race.
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Probably the new race for Midnight.
No, Drakthyr can wear shoulders and belts, and fantasize about wearing everything else.
You know this. You explicitly mentioned it in a previous post.
You are not approaching this discussion in good faith so I have no reason to continue interacting with you on this.
“No you’re wrong and not being fair shut up” is not a valid argument. You claimed ethereals can’t be a race because they look the same, when they literally already made a race whose most defining customization is their clothing, proving that such a thing is an entirely valid option for other potential races. You are simply wrong and do not want to accept it
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Think whatever you want. I’m done interacting with you.
Burying your head in the sand is certainly a way to avoid discussion
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Lol @ every NPC variable set being data mined being the “next playable race”.