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Hey Piximonk,
Are you still accepting players? I am a returning player on a new class and I have only reached max level, if that is okay? I sent a friend request to you, would love to have a chat!
Hey there! I’m currently 8/8N, fury warrior, and looking for a guild exactly like yours. I’m based in SG and the raid timings are alright for me. Can we have a chat? I’ve added you on Bnet. Jackilo#6530
Hey Piximonk, coming over from the reply to my topic that you did. Your guild does seem promising in that it is not too big and that there are some players like myself in there. First question is, what is the daytime activity like? I already assume evenings will be populated, lol. The other thing to mention/ask is that if in the future I become raiding capable, is the stated raiding time going to stay? If so, I wouldnt be able to join as it will be late for me (I get up just after 5am for work 3 days a week and try to be in bed by 10.30-11pm).
Howdy. I’m a SPriest back in the game after a very long hiatus, dipping in and out since mid BfA. A little rusty, but gearing up quickly, and across the character again.