Estimated login time for a 10000 player queue

Where did they say that and why would they? What is the point of layering if not to get more people on a realm? I understand what they said about layering being an issue when they want to drop it around the one month point. But if it’s still needed, they can either delay the abandonment of layering or add more servers. Forcing players into queues on all the servers won’t solve anything unless they really want Classic to fail.

“speaking of population caps, how many people will be on one classic realm”

“we will have population caps but we can’t tell you the numbers”

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They are not going to delay the abandonment of layering, nor should they. This problem is entirely the fault of players and is entirely within the power of players to fix. Blizzard should not take actions that will cause long-term damage to the health of Classic just because players are being stubborn.


Thanks for the video. It must have been done before they came up with the term ‘layering’. Was it from last years Blizzcon?

I still find it unlikely that Blizzard will diabolically let big queues happen when they can easily remedy the problem. By the 26th all of the servers could be ‘full’. I guess they have a layering cap although they aren’t going to tell us what it is. Assuming all the servers are full even with the layering cap, then the only solution is more servers which they already have done. I just don’t seem them giving the player base too much pain. At least I hope not.

Edit: By the way, Pagle is now ‘full’ as well.

They’re planning on ending layering come phase 2 or before, they don’t want TOO many people on a server, but they realize launch with be far more popular then 3-6-12 months from now so they also don’t want so many servers that they end up with a bunch of dead ones.

After they end layering server pop should be hard set at around 3k because that’s what the game ITSELF can sustain.

People will find a way to stay logged in. If you get stuck in the queue then good luck, maybe you’ll get in by October.

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Only for sheep realms like Herod and Faerlina though. The rest of us shouldn’t have ques / bad ques.

The key question is that with queues in the thousands, how many streamers will Blizzard let cut in line?

I doubt they’ll let Asmongold sit in a queue for too long when he is on the launchday HyperX stream promoted by Blizzard. lol

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I think all of you are guessing and using your opinions to say that login ques will be longer than name reservations.

None of us truly know for sure how it will play out. Maybe it’s the same as the name reservation que.

So you’re trying to say it’s the player’s fault Actiblizz refused to make enough servers(As of right now it’s what, 15 servers for the entirety of NA and SA?) and is forcing a flawed layering system that will create IMMENSELY overpopulated servers if they remove it?

I think you crawl away from Blizzard for a moment since your current actions are depriving your brain of oxygen.

Does anyone know if Blizz has stated whether or not the AFK timer will be modified/adjusted to help with launch queues?

Also, if I remember correctly, at one time they incorporated a “disconnect queue”, where if a player got DC’d from the game, they were queued differently and were given priority over the normal queue with little to no wait.

Am I the only one that after making my characters sat there and stared at them for a few hours??

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Your argument is entirely invalid.

Blizzard could make a thousand servers. It wouldn’t change the fact that the most popular servers will still have que times that are absolutely insane. Players Bandwagon to the biggest server. Then complain about que’s.

There are still severs available that will not have ques. They plan to open more on launch day, to be equitable to players joining the day of, or who just want to play and don’t care about population.

You might be tempted to argue. You might want to say why not open those servers now? You might be tempted to scream and shout that no blue has officially made a post like that.

Go ahead. It doesn’t change what is going to happen.

The most well organized guilds the ones that will actually be going for world firsts. Or just have competent leaders, already have a plan that goes something like this.

  1. We say we are rolling here.
  2. We are actually rolling here.
  3. If a new servers opens with X hours of launch of this type we are going Here.

I have a feeling they’ll add few more servers as days go by, before launch.

No. This…no.

Queues are a CERTAINTY. They will be hours (plural) long. They may be so long that you don’t play until the day after you queue.

That is not an exaggeration. If you’re gonna stay Herod (my people have spoken…we’re staying, at least for now), then you need to understand that. Accept it. Embrace it. Expect it. It will happen.

As to “why” people stay, well that’s multi-layered, and Justiful kinda nailed it.

We were serious about name day and about our guild and about our plans. We have been organized and planned out and ordered for MONTHS. We decided to roll Herod on the morning of name day after long conversations and debates about where to go.

We reserved our names. We updated all of our sites and social media.

We said we were rolling on Herod.
We reserved names on Herod.
We are actually rolling on Herod.
If a new server opens on launch day or any other day, we will roll on Herod.

Whether Meriweather likes it or not /wink

But seriously, if we can’t play because of the queues, we will still be rolling on Herod. We might just have to roll alts on a low-pop server for a while.

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of course there is the option that our company used once (it backfired and got lots of hate from users) and limit sessions to 2 or 3 hours or something to ‘allow everyone an opportunity to use the product’ then the 10k queue will go faster at the expense of people getting kicked periodically through their play sessions and put back at the end of the line.

That’s the issue. Everyone seems so sure the population is going to die. What happens if it doesn’t? I’m not convinced it will. Honestly, the fact that people will stop playing is a guess.

Plan for the worst, hope for the best.

I took off but don’t expect much on day 1 until midnight or after PST when I hope it calms down. sleeping in as long as I can and shifting my body clock ahead as far as I can for that week trying to maximize off-hours as much as possible.

Are they letting more people on the server that can possibly play on launch? It’s a pretty good assumption that if you made a toon, you will play. I know capping it is difficult because of guilds and friends rolling n the same server, but what happens to everyone else if there is only a maximum number of people that can log in?

I had about 400 queue in Vanilla for a period. That took maybe 30 minutes. So maybe under 10 hours for a 10k queue.

Most players will reroll once they see that queue. So if you stick with the server, it will eventually drop. Could take a while, though.