Estimated login time for a 10000 player queue

Blizzard hasn’t done connected realms since 2014. I thought they would do another round when they got rid of PVP servers in retail but so far no announcement to that effect has been made.

Last I heard was single digits so 9 max, 9x3000 per layer is 27000 max players

They really need to, they need to connect like ALL the dead servers together not just a few lol

They revealed at another announcement, maybe China don’t remember, that they do have additional servers that can be activated if the population warrants it.

Game and login servers are virtual. The big limitation we will see that will cause queues isn’t server capacity, as they can create more.

It will be the bandwidth that will be challenged by all those people logging in at once.

Yeah that’s because they made names and logged, it’s irrelevant because no one could play the game. 10k que with people playing, especially when the game is new will be hours.

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Nobody knows. But if you assume that a server can hold, with layering, about 5-10x the pop of a vanilla server, than it would stand to reason that you’d cut the wait by by the amount.

Furthermore, the upper bound is really how long people are willing to wait, because anything over that will cause mass transfers. I’d guess that’s somewhere around 1-2 hours.

Virtual servers still need hardware to run

Yes. They do. You think it takes a significant power load to run a virtual server or something?

Hardware has evolved to the point that 11 servers in the NA isnt a significant challenge.

You don’t know how intensive on the hardware one of these classic servers is, nor do I, the point could be moot or all the difference.

Still doesn’t change the fact that Blizz themselves is capping the amount of layers so there WILL be long queues.

Layering is there to make it so that they can increase the pop size… but you still have to have a cap. Say they want 4k player cap after they drop layering… and say they expect 60% of players to leave. Then they will make the cap WITH layering 10k. So anything past 10k will have you put in a queue.

If they increase that cap to 20k, but still only expect 60% to leave, they now ahve double the players on a server, and might not be able to drop layering, or have people sitting in a queue for hours MONTHS after release. Hope that helps.

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This only means that it requires more players to be logged in before the queue exists.

It is not directly related to how long the queue lasts. A 10,000 person queue means that 10,000 players need to log out before you get in. Whether the server has 2k or 20k players on it has some effect (if there are more players on the server than the queue, it’s going to go faster, because you’re not waiting for each person’s entire playtime - some of the people who log out will have logged in before you got in queue), but it won’t make it nearly as much faster as you seem to think.

A 10k person queue will take hours. And not just one or two hours, either. Probably not 50 hours, no, but 6-8 hours would not surprise me at all.

You heard from where? I assume if the limit size of a server is 10 K which Blizzard suggested (although didn’t confirm), then they could make layers of 10 K up to a limit of what? Other than cost, creating lots of layers shouldn’t be difficult. The issue is the population a month from now. Does it drop down in the way Blizzard thinks it will?

Per Blizzard.

“Instead of balancing players around shards of zones and combining players from multiple realms, layering will allow realms to create a separate instance of themselves to balance their own population. However, unlike sharding once in a layer, players won’t leave this layer in favor of a better one whenever they move or change zones, removing the awkward phasing present in retail. The only way to change a layer will be to enter a group, which will have all players from the group in the same layer.”

According to the blue post, a server with medium pop already has far more players than the most maxed out server in 2006.

And as I’ve previously noted them also stating: they have more servers if they feel they need them.

If they need them, but the thing is it looks like they need them NOW before populations stabilize, but if they open them now, they’ll end up with dead servers.

All I can find at the moment is a staysafetv interview where they said there WILL be caps and there WILL be queues.

But if a queue forms, they can just create a new layer and shove those players into that layer, right?

They have a hard population cap, they won’t just shove more players in.

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While they possess the technology to be capable of that, they have stated that they are not going to.

There is a maximum amount of layers they are willing to have on the server, because when they turn off layering before Phase 2, they don’t want the server to suddenly have 30k+ queues.

staysafetv is a spokesman for Blizzard?

He was interviewing the Devs… it was the devs that said it