EST [A] The Styrofoam Girl Club

We know, it’s a mouth-full, just a corky name though! :laughing: We are a chill bunch of gamers, mostly Alliance, a casual raiding guild looking for members. “Hardcore casuals” is how I’d describe us. We run m+ daily, delves, quest, and raids are Tuesdays and Thursdays 8-10 pm EST. Raids are kept small, usually 2/2/7 or 2/3/9, however if you are on and want to raid, we’ll get you in. Tank spots are taken, off tanks welcome. Healing spots mostly taken as well. At the moment we require a 590 ilvl and we are 5/8.
We have been around since last expansion and our core gamers are friendly but not cliquey, so please join us and be part of our guild!