I am trying to achieve some of 8.3 visions to change the old Vale of Eternal Blossoms into the 8.3 Vale. My current issue is that I have the Essential Empowerment quest, but it will not let me enter the portal.
Do you have your Heart of Azeroth?
You will need to do those quest chains with Magni first in order to be able to do the Essential Empowerment quest.
I do not have the Heart of Azeroth, I have been trying to find a way to start these questlines any way that I can.
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For Horde, you can speak to the Earthen Guardian next to the entrance into the Great Seal in Dazar’alor (Zuldazar).
For Alliance, you can speak to the Earthen Guardian in Boralus (Tiragarde Sound - Kul Tiras). He is a few steps down from the Inn.
The Earthen Guardian will be able to give you the A Dying World quest to start the chain.
Thank you very much, you have been super helpful!
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You’re welcome.