Essences for Horrific Visions

I’m a Frost Mage and for the past few months I’ve been using the Condensed Life-Force as the Major Azerite Essence because it sims the best on single target.

But in Horrific Visions, I only save it for the end bosses, which makes other essences I could use several times during a run much more tempting.

I’m just wondering, what Essence would be the best to run Horrific Visions with (I can already 4-mask solo Orgrimmar, so I’m trying to push for 5-mask) in the Major slot as a Frost Mage and should I change essences mid-Vision, based on what I’m fighting

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Give purification protocol major a shot for trash clearing. It stuns aberrations like faceless dudes and tentacles, and has a chance to insta kill mobs (including mini bosses). Also decent aoe damage.


I’ve been considering that one, yes. But what about the Focusing Iris? How is that one in comparison with Purification Protocol?

The long cd is a problem when you’re pulling large packs constantly, and the minor does no good on single targets that die so quickly. PP is a great minor for the AoE proc. I use BotE, for it’s relatively short cd and good synergy with the crit heavy specs of fire and frost.

Purification protocol is wonderful because it stuns the burrowing tentacles and lets you kill them instead of just hoping you can time a burst with their vulnerability. It can also instakill things, it can be targeted from range, and the minor effect is really useful for surviving things that get close.

For minors, I like to run the usual set:

  1. Lucid Dreams (even with it not giving icicles thanks to the bug Blizzard refuses to fix)
  2. Breath of the Dying (or a different corruption resist essence, if you prefer, but lethal strikes do a LOT of damage)
  3. Condensed Lifeforce or Focusing iris (depending on if you want more dps in general, or targeted dps for bosses)
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I have a question regarding essences in general.

I just got back and I don’t really feel like getting the bis essence (for frost) since it requires too much grinding. (The one from Azsharas palace and nazjatar follower)
I have noticed there’s a few that are pretty easy to get (worldvein, mech, the one you get from kalecgos, the mythic+ one), will i still be able to do sufficient damage with those?

Define what you mean by sufficient. What are you aiming to do? WQ and LFR? Yup you’ll be a-ok. Normal only? Yup you’ll probably be fine. Heroic? eh… you’ll be fine for the first half of Nya’lotha, but you’ll start to notice as you get to the latter half. Mythic? You should be grinding out those essences… No if’s and’s or but’s. does a decent job of giving you an idea where each of the essences stand.

The one positive, is that frost is much less effected by essences than fire.

Have you tried the FO build? I find it’s much better QOL than having to wait 5 years for spike to go off.

Just an update, I have finally managed to 5-mask Orgrimmar and I did use Purification Protocol, which helped me a lot, so thank you all for the great advice!

Now I don’t have to touch 5-mask Orgrimmar ever again :smiley: