Essence Font's Removal is sad

Having your healing done for you by spamming SCK in a small area that nearly eliminates the whole “extremely mobile spec” thing isnt fun for everyone. Maintaining a janky ability ( Jadefire Stomp ) that looks very unthematic to mistweaver and more like aztec is boring gameplay. It’s like maintaining healing circle or efflo. No thought to it, no real engagement.

“Fistweaving” wasn’t always a thing for monk. You guys still made use of the EFx4 proc, even if it was tied to Jade Stomp. That is gone for you guys too now.

Blizzard has done a great job at allowing people to run non “fistweaver” builds and still get their highest rewards/content done. It looks like this will still very much be the case going in to TWW.

So yes. The answer to your questing is not everyone is a meta slave. If we were we wouldnt be playing MW monk to begin with, rofl.

Unfortunately blizz would rather prune unique abilities and make every healer exactly the same. So EF is dead now.

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There’s so many other healers that just “heal.” I don’t know why someone plays a healer just for the sake of healing, when there’s so many other healers that do the exact same thing, resto druid, resto shaman, holy priest, preservation evoker, holy paladin, all of these classes have the ability to deal damage, but only disc priest, and fistweaving monk heal through their damage. If not for that I’d never play a monk, I could just heal on all the other classes that do the same thing, but better. I don’t understand people’s fascination of handicapping themselves by not contributing to their raid/party’s damage.


There it is.

People who don’t run JadeFire Stomp don’t just sit there doing nothing, as has been proven and mentioned tons of times on these threads. We also SCK/tp/bok/rsk, combine unneeded stat buffs to increase that dmg when things are slow. It’s literally just a slightly different maintenance healing style.

Every healer “heals”. You are right there. MW monk is still pretty unique even without Jadefire stomp though. Always has been even before Jadefire stomp came in to play and actively made the class clunkier/limited.

BTW MW monk isnt pure dmg to healing conversion, even with Jadefire they still spread ren mists and vivify cleave, sheilun’s, celestial, etc. Jadefire stomp is literally like a tiny, extremely braindead boring, portion of the whole toolkit as a whole that can be ignored if you dont like it.

Also if there was only one way to heal this game at max content level it would be extremely boring. Blizz gives us different talent options for a reason. Maybe take a look at the % of monk playing at 1% world first ratings and re assess, because if it was “fun” to sit there spamming SCK in a limited zone that the tank moves out of frequently then there should be a TON more people playing it, but there isnt. No one cares that you think fistweaving is fun, because it’s not the only way to heal, isnt the whole toolkit, and no one is just sitting there doing no damage at all when there is downtime regardless of build. ( not like healer dmg even matters till past max level keys/world first early raiding )

Couldn’t fathom why anyone would want to sit there spamming SCK all dungeon for their maintenance healing, popping a CD once it isnt enough. It’s literally the most boring way to heal.


As much as I hated Essence Font, it was a rather unique (if boring heal). A channeled hot you can do on the run doesn’t exist on any other healer. It was something nice to do as a maintenance heal between M+ packs for example, or in downtime to prep for damage etc. Gave you a few seconds to assess the battlefield. I won’t miss it much, but it was def unique.

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First off, an obligatory “ACHOO!” to you OP, as I recognize where your name is from. :slight_smile:
Second, I completely agree. Feels like it was removed just so they can recolor and give it to Druids later.


So, what spell do I bind in the button I had my essence font on? This is probably the worst change to the spec in years, or maybe not but I wouldn’t say I like it.


Have not logged in yet given all the bugs and things.

Likely what you’ll end up using is vivify as the one-button-for-everything spell.

This patch basically hooked so many talents/procs/effects into vivify that it feels “forced” on the player. Not saying Vivify is a bad spell, but that it overshadows other spells— which is a BAD THING.

Let me explain: If Vivify becomes the go-to spell for tank healing, light healing, cleave healing, aoe healing, use to proc other things healing, etc…

it WILL be nerfed and nerfed hard, which will undo the point i suppose of blizzard trying to hook so many talents into Vivify in the first place.

Mark my words: Blizzard has a history where if one buttons does-it-all to efficiently they will swoop in and change/nerf in.

And I do get the need in that scenario to nerf it as well, but you see how all this started?? all these changes pulling Essence Font and buffing up Vivify is going to create problems down the road.


Assuming you’re going with Conduit of the Celestials, we’ll have another active ability to use!

The problem of Celestial Conduit is that it acts like a raid CD, 1.5 min (90 sec).

Far from the Essence Font replacement we had.

Given that we already have access to Revival and Invoke Yu’lon/Chi-Ji, having another semi-major CD is not quire as helpful when we took a loss (Essence Font) to an AOE healing tool relative to it’s counterparts like Wild Growth and Circle of Healing.


Totally understand that… Not saying that Essence Font’s removal isn’t sad (I loved Upwelling in raid), but in terms of keybinds, I’m kind of glad we’re getting another slot (would much rather keep EF than get a keybind though!)

I’m basically putting Sheilun on my old Essence Font slot (I had added another keybind when we got Sheilun that I usually don’t use. Glad to assign a less-common spell there), and then add Conduit of the Celestials there.

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Kinda the same: Going to try and find a non-Vivify solution, have Sheilun be my go to aoe heal ( since you can get a charge every 4-8 sec), and lean on Enveloping Mist for Tank (since there is a talent where Enveloping mist heals through Renewing Mist), Renewing Mist, and Soothing Mist.

but that’s all for Mistweaving when i need to run around and stay assisting at ranged.
Fistweaving… o boy, well at least Jadefire is every 15 sec but going to miss having the back up EF when out of melee range

But as Fabul said, that is not even near as a good replacement for Essence Font due to its long CD. And what if I do not like Conduit I will keep that empty button on my main bar for ages.

im sad toi see it go.

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i was honestly going through every healer in the beta trying to decide my main for war within i was so mad when i saw they took essence font away from monks mines a no go i was leaning torwards playing him as my main :frowning: such a fun spell why blizzard…


i def dont think essence font was useless especially as a fistweaver i found myself using it very very very often in things like Battlegrounds

now when i have to run out i just feel stupid and useless. i used to pump out big juicy essence fonts now i just run like a dumb moron until i have enough room to cast a soothing mist i guess

lame af


Gonna miss using TfT-EF-RSK+( 3xBoK->RSK if a reset ) in raids. It was super fun seeing all those upwelling bolts fly out super fast and extending it all after was just really satisfying.

In m+ I wont miss it at all. One less thing to set up before needing to burst heal and I like Conduit’s Hero Ability being another decent cooldown for m+ - plus it feels like they moved more power into mastery and invigorating mists cleave healing to compensate.

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looks like i’m gonna be needed to heal again this coming tier…

i couldn’t believe my #1 hotkey will no longer be there- what y’all did to essence font?!

I’m not sure I wanted the thing entirely gone, but I can sorta understand why this was done. Essence Font felt excellent in raids with lots of people and I loved blanketing 15-20 people in the little HoT, then extending it with RSK.

But it felt really, really bad for me to use with fewer people - dungeons and any raid group with just 10 people. It was slow and cumbersome in large swathes of content types. It also feels like my healing numbers have gone up regardless - though I suppose everyone’s has, and it’s hard to tell at this stage in the expansion, but still.

That all said, Zen Pulse feels a little wimpy. I actually thought it would be doing damage, too, like the spell we had before the change, and I’m quite miffed to find that isn’t the case. Still, Vivify feels noticeably chunkier with it, at least a little, even if it’s…What, 4-5% of healing? Having more Renewings out is also nice, though it feels like I’ve gone from raid-wide counter-rot healing via Essence Font/RSK extension (and the little heal that came with it) to 5-6 target cleave. Which…I’m not sure I like in raids, but might feel even better in dungeons?

This does feel overall like a healthier design for the spec, though, which I can appreciate.

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i always used essence when i was on the move, and renewing or the free vivify was on cd. it was great when running to the next pack to top people off in dungeons… because we all know how tanks don’t like to stop to heal up and/or drink.


that is an understatement.