Essence Font Is Gone?

Sorry if I am coming late to this, but I have been away from the game for awhile.

Essence Font has been an…essential part of my MW playstyle for a long time. It is central to my enjoyment of the class. I am a casual player who enjoys open world group events more than just about anything, and Essence Font gave me a great and simple way to help other players, weaving it with RJW for maximum random healing.

Does anyone have a great substitute approach? In scrabbling together a prepatch talent tree I stuck Sheilun in the same key slot.


Your font was yummy :yum:

I just stuck the Conduit hero tree ability where EF was.

all i know is it’s a huge nerf in pvp: it was usually in my top 4 heals if not 1st if it’s in ebgs. it really feels weird not to have ef or anything to replace it with.

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Invoke Yu’lon has to be talented to 1 minute with gift of celestials and also need to talent celestial harmony and use it with enveloping mists… to do something that was done with essence font alone. I loved essence font and this “change” to a integral part of my monks basic rotation for years… is awful, may just shelve my favorite healer.


Essence Font was 100% padding healing, especially in PvP. The replacement is the new Lotus Infusion, Pool of Mists, and Zen Pulse talents which all reward Vivify cleaving.

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Essence Font removal was a huge mistake


It was not. It was integral to healing a Raid as a Fistweaver.

No clue how that’ll work out now. The extra 20% on Ancient Teachings will help a tiny bit, but not being able to ramp for Gusts of Mists from Chi’Ji is pretty bad.

been testing that one, last ebg i played: zen pulse was dead last on my meter with 5 procs for a total of .4% of my healing. along with chi wave, they didn’t even add up to 1%. what a crappy talent.

As I understand, it wasn’t utilized much at super high end gameplay, but I agree it was a crucial part of being able to fistweave in Raid.

I’ve tried traditional mistweaving in raid, since it’s largely preferred, and just can’t do it. I prefer and excel at fistweaving. And EF (with its various buffs and synergies) was super helpful in FW raid builds.

But on a side note, I’m super confused now. EF removal aside…Wowhead has two raid builds: an RSK build and a more traditional SM build. We currently have no standard Ancient Teachings build for raid, apparently?

The RSK build isn’t a true fistweaving build and I really don’t like it.

I saw another MW just running the standard M+ fistweaving/AT build in a raid today and they did just fine…is that just what we Fistweavers use for everything for now? (Granted, it was only LFR, but still). I think they swapped the celestials of course but that was it.

Edit: Or does someone have an AT build that’s tuned more for raid that they can share? Are y’all just sticking with the old one (minus EF) for now or what? I was dumb and didn’t save the old/S4 AT raid build when I built the new “recommended” ones. :frowning:

EBGs aren’t representative of normal play, but I did test healing a Heroic yesterday and Zen Pulse was 4-5% of healing, which is indeed sorta eh for 2 talent points.

The RSK build on Wowhead is temporary due to having no Hero Talents and will likely be changed once Conduit of the Celestials and its Fistweaver friendly talents are present.

That build is indeed not a Fistweaving build, it’s just a “stand in melee for RSK since that is #1 priority.” build.

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Ohhhh. That makes sense.

Yea, guess I’ll just tweak the M+ AT build for now.

how is it not healing? i did over 200m in the span of 20 mins and zen pulse performed terribly. so only pve counts as ‘healing’? really?

Yes, unironically.

EBGs, while fun and chaotic have no semblance of balance in any aspect and Blizzard doesn’t and can’t balance around them. Talents that drastically underperform in PvE would work in EBGs and visa versa. (e.g. you’d never use Overflowing Mists in PvE but when used on a boss NPC in an EBG like Ashran it’s broken OP).

Blizzard does care more about Battlegrounds and Arenas, but barely.

ya, i removed zen pulse from my pvp build b/c it’s totally worthless and a waste of talent points: it’s proc rate is so low, it barely even registers on the meter.