<Esprit> Team G4 LFM Mythic TWW GMT+8

Team G4 LFM Mythic TWW

We are looking for Healer & DPS to join us for mythic progression.

Raid nights : 3 days - Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday (or Monday)
Raid time : 9.30pm to 12.30am Singapore time (gmt+8)

Recruiting : Healer (shaman/hpally/restodruid)
Dps (rogue/hunter/mage/warlock)

Expectations: Zero tolerance to toxicity, elitism or rasicm. Always show up on raid nights.

Bnet Contact: DqCalypso#1121
Discord Contact: Qiqi#8387

Bumpity bump

MOST WONDERFUL RL BUMP IVE had the pleasure of playing with

Thumbs up recommendation


Thumbs up BUMP

Bumpadi BUMP

One of the longest raiding groups on the server. Kudos