ESO Freeplay - March 31-April 13

If you want to try it out, you can play most of the game for free for the next two weeks. Bear in mind it doesn’t necessarily hold your hand on quest order or what to do. But there’s lots of helpful resources out there and you can ask in game. Starting cities can be overwhelming with quest chains. Just pick one and go with it.

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I tried it and… am not a fan.

The UI is insanely garbage. Like holy crap its worse than Skyrim.

And combat feels clunky as hell.

Hmm, I play on PC so I can use add ons to alter the UI. Granted, I do that in WoW too. It’s nice to be able to customize things. Unless you are talking about the targeting? I prefer WoW’s style there, but (obviously) it’s not a game breaker for me.

It’s what is outside combat that sells ESO for me. WoW has great combat… but I can’t play with friends that are horde. Not an issue in ESO outside of Cyrodil and Imperial City. It’s been pretty easy to go check out old raids, whereas WoW has LFG that is full of trolls. I can have 1 guild in WoW. I can have 5 in ESO. I can steal stuff! Which opens upa whole new playstyle. ESO basically has WQs but they actually give loot. I can craft my own gear and do just fine. I can sell it. I can even craft it in any style I want, cloth, leather, plate. No worries restrictions there. I just have a metric ton more freedom and far, far greater variety on what to do or where to go.

I should probably try to craft a better organized post, but you get the idea.